Words That Can Help In Difficult Times

While you may not be able to see this in the moment, difficult times are actually opportunities to learn. Eventually you will smile again and look at your sadness from then on in a different way.
Words that can help in difficult times

Difficult times  knock on our door without inviting them. And what’s worse is that you probably aren’t prepared to face them at all.

Contradiction can take many forms. Even if you have the best support around you or have read all the self-help books out there, this isn’t always enough.

To cope with dark times, you need to be well prepared at first, then you can start to rely on your own resources, resilience and emotional agility.

Although you may have heard that difficulties only make you stronger, in reality we all just want to feel good, to be happier.

Life will take you to extraordinary destinations when it’s ready. However, when you find yourself in the midst of difficult times, don’t hesitate to say the following words out loud to yourself regularly.

1. I have the right to cry, but I will laugh again

Sometimes it’s essential to let your emotions out to deal with an argument, failure, failure, or just plain sadness. Never try to hold back your tears. Also, don’t feel stupid if you’re depressed or have no strength at all.

Keep in mind, though, that this moment of embracing your demons shouldn’t last too long, and it shouldn’t be permanent at all.

Crying and throwing out your sadness has a clear purpose: helping you to accept what has happened and move on with your life, encouraging change. You deserve to smile again.

2. The person who will help me the most in difficult times is myself

The person who will help me the most in difficult times is myself

Sure, you can have great friends, a super sweet partner, and a family that loves and cares about you immensely. This is all very good. However, the person who can best deal with your difficult times is you.

However, without willpower, energy or dreams, it is extremely difficult to escape from that dark room you find yourself in right now. Listen to the people around you. Let them help you, but be the one who sets the gears in motion to move forward.

3. I have no control over my situation, only the way I react to the situation

Some things simply cannot be avoided: a loss, an illness, a breakup… in spite of all your efforts.

  • No one has 100% control over these complicated circumstances that life throws at us every now and then. However, you are responsible for your thoughts.
  • Telling yourself you can’t do something will immobilize you completely. It will only arouse more negative emotions.
  • On the other hand, saying that you will get through it will change your whole view of the situation and provide you with new strength.

It is worth remembering this.

4. To live life you have to cross the line of fear

We’ve talked about our comfort zone several times on our site. That invisible space where everything seems safe and familiar and where we feel like we have everything under control.

In difficult times, however, you may feel that adversity has entered your comfort zone and imprisoned you with its long fingers. The peace that once seemed so self-evident now seems to be collapsing.

You must therefore escape your fear and take a step across the border.

  • If you are afraid to think about what will happen to you after your loss, go to the other side. At first, accept what happened. Then remember that life must go on  and that it takes you with it. Get moving.
  • If you feel threatened or if you are afraid of being alone, try to rationalize these fears. Remind yourself of the above statement that you yourself are the one who can best help you. Give your heart the chance to give you strength.
In difficult times I have to develop peace and inner balance every day

5. I need to develop peace and inner balance every day

You watch your diet and your weight and visit the doctor regularly for routine checkups. You take care of yourself every day. You are undoubtedly completely exhausted when you can finally crawl into bed at the end of the day.

Now ask yourself this question: When was the last time you took care of your emotions, your needs and your inner peace?

This is something we can practice every day. If you always put everyone before yourself, then at some point you will start neglecting yourself.

If you exert yourself only to obtain and collect material things, you forget what really matters in life: your happiness and integrity.

When difficult times arise, you need to be prepared for them. There is no better way to prepare yourself than every day:

  • Maintain your inner peace.
  • Increase your self-confidence.
  • To gain more understanding for yourself.

Initially, be aware that life flows like a river, constantly moving and changing direction. Like it or not, you have to be a part of this fluid movement.

Since none of us can know when tough times will come to test us, it’s important to always be prepared to rely on your resilience.

Anyone eager to see a rainbow should be prepared to brave the storm.

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