What’s The Best Food To Eat When You Go To The Gym?

Food is the source of energy that the body uses to move. So we’ll tell you how to choose the right foods when you hit the gym.
What is the best food to eat when you go to the gym?

If you go to the gym, it’s probably because you’ve chosen a healthy lifestyle. Your diet is probably low in fat and sugar. However, we often don’t know what to eat when it comes to exercise. That’s why in this article we’ll show you what the best food is when you go to the gym.

If you are an active person, adopting an appropriate diet can help you improve your performance, define your muscles and lose weight if you wish. In addition, it is important to eat enough nutrients, antioxidants and calories in order not to be fatigued by exercise.

The best food when you go to the gym

It is one of the most frequently asked questions we all have when we engage in any kind of physical activity. Food provides us with the basic energy that our body will use to perform movements. Therefore, we will now discuss which foods are most suitable.

What should you eat before going to the gym?

A bowl of cereal and yogurt

Before we go to the gym and start a fitness class or use fitness equipment, we should think carefully about what we will eat and avoid overeating.

Small amounts of food are perfect, but they must contain the necessary vitamins to nourish our body. Consider, for example, nuts, which, according to current studies, contain a lot of healthy fats.

Products such as oatmeal with milk or yogurt are also very suitable. Especially if you combine this with a portion of fruit, such as a banana. Another good option is a yogurt parfait, which contains yogurt, nuts, and seeds. For example, chia seeds, which contain omega 3 fatty acids and proteins.

When it comes to the right drink, the best way to hydrate yourself is with water. It’s good to drink about half a liter of water before you start exercising, but don’t overdo it.

It’s best to avoid eating foods that are high in fat or sugar when you go to the gym. This reduces the risk of stomach upset that makes it difficult to exercise.

What should you eat after going to the gym?

Protein-rich products

When you’re done exercising, hydrate quickly and eat at a leisurely pace. You can start with a snack of fruits and nuts. Then you can prepare a more complete meal with, for example:

  • fish
  • rice salad
  • pasta with seeds and tomatoes
  • dairy products
  • meat
  • Eggs
  • protein shakes
  • etcetera

Proteins are essential nutrients to promote tissue repair. According to research published in the journal Nutrients, these substances improve the muscles’ adaptation to training.

In addition, it is important to ensure the consumption of healthy fats. Some fats, such as the omega-3 fatty acids, have been shown to be effective in regulating the inflammation typical of intense training sessions.

At the same time, you should limit the intake of trans fats. That’s because these nutrients have the opposite effect and can promote inflammation.

You will definitely get thirsty and drinking water is the best option against dehydration. Of course, various isotonic drinks are also available. These can help us replenish electrolytes lost after intense physical activity. However, it is important not to consume these drinks too much.

Common mistakes

Many people make some mistakes in their diet plan when they enter the world of fitness and healthy living. Below we list a few of these mistakes that you should try to avoid.

  • Do not increase your intake. If you start exercising daily, you need to take in more calories than before, even if you want to lose weight.
  • Falling into the trap of light products. When shopping at the supermarket, pay attention to the labels. Many products appear to be healthy, when in reality they contain large amounts of sugar or fat.
  • Lack of patience. If you think you’ll see results in the first week and you haven’t, you may be tempted to give up. However, it is important to be patient and persevere.
  • Thinking you only need nutritional supplements. Ergogenic preparations can improve performance and our ability to recover. However, we should only use them as part of a healthy diet. If you don’t eat well, you won’t experience any benefits from using it.

Optimize your way of eating and your eating pattern

Don’t fall into the mistakes beginners often make when they start going to the gym. Eating well before and after exercise is the only way to make progress in the shortest possible time.

If you are unsure about what is the best food for you when going to the gym, we recommend that you consult a dietitian. This professional can put together a menu that suits you and your situation.

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