What Do You Do To Arouse Interest In Reading In Children?

In order for children to read, parents must also be readers. To spark interest in reading, nothing works better than setting an example yourself. Teach children that the pleasure of reading involves different things.
What do you do to arouse interest in reading in children?

Do you want to know how to stimulate a child’s interest in reading? After all, it is a very enriching and healthy hobby for anyone at any age. Children can enjoy individual reading as an opportunity for learning and entertainment. By doing this, it provides the child with an opportunity to meet others and exchange things.

Reading books can leave a mark on a child that lasts forever. It is a habit developed at an early age when children are just learning to talk. This is the best time for parents to get their children interested in reading.

How to awaken a child’s interest in reading

Girl is reading on the couch

You can start reading to your child while he is still in the womb. Listening to the pitch and intonation of your voice as you read is a form of communication between child and mother. Plus, it’s the start of a fascinating habit.

Once your child is born, you can find books made for babies. The large drawings and vibrant colors of these types of books should be his first foray into books. You can start reading children’s stories from the first year of life.

To arouse a child’s interest in reading, start by reading every day. This bedtime reading routine can be one of the most pleasant early moments in a person’s life. However, this should be encouraged a bit. Let’s see how.

1. Read aloud to your child

Children are fascinated when they are read to. It is a great practice to encourage not only when it comes to the love of reading, but also to enrich their language.

There will certainly be books that you will read several times. Even if you read the same book over and over and it seems boring, your child will continue to enjoy it as if it were the first time.

2. Leave books for the child to see

There should always be books within reach of your child. This includes in their bedroom and next to the bed. In addition, take them with you when you are on vacation or traveling by metro or train.

One or more books must always be available to be read, even if it is only for a few minutes. You can also create a reading space at home.

3. Keep reading together, even if he can read by himself

Even though your child is learning to read on his own, he will still love it when you read to him. It’s one of those unforgettable moments that they can spend close to you. If they listen to you as you read, children learn that books contain magical moments worth spending with family.

4. Take advantage of the books that have been made into movies

Boy sitting on bed reading

There are many movies or television series that are based on books. After you’ve seen the movie, use the book to work with your child to imitate the scenes or story or find the parts left out in the movie. You can also do this exercise the other way around. After you read the book, you can watch the movie.

5. Look for new books to spark interest in reading

During your weekly outing, visit bookstores and libraries. Used bookstores can hide great treasures that are worth finding. This is not only a way to find books for your kids, but also books for yourself!

6. Interaction with reading technology

Devices like Kindles, Nooks, and iPads can be your allies in fostering interest in reading. This electronic format is very attractive to children or unwilling readers. While interactive books are attractive, they can hinder reading comprehension. Use these resources, but without excluding printed books.

7. It’s worth reading everything

A variety of titles and themes arouse interest. While children’s stories are often the best options, you can also read other books, including educational or informational books.

If your child likes pirates, dinosaurs or planets, look for books on these topics. Classic books or comic books are also good choices for kids.

8. Participate in events to spark interest in reading

Surely there are libraries in your city or town that organize days for reading stories. Take your kids to enjoy reading to you what other people are doing.

In addition, attending book fairs are great opportunities to find a variety of books and prizes. They also allow children to experience encounters with authors, which is another way of introducing books.

Reading: A Family Activity

Arouse interest in reading

To have a child who enjoys reading, it must have parents who enjoy reading. Children learn what they see and take an interest in reading is no exception.

Enjoy reading with your kids. Today you can read stories to them, while tomorrow they can swap a book and spend an afternoon talking about it. The value of the habit of reading within the family is the best way to encourage your children to read.

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