Try These Pumpkin Seed Recipes

We usually eat pumpkin seeds raw or roasted. However, you can also prepare other pumpkin seed recipes to enjoy its benefits.
Try these pumpkin seed recipes

Would you like to learn some new pumpkin seed recipes? Pumpkin seeds have many healthy properties that we can incorporate into our daily diet. With this superfood we can increase the amount of nutrients we ingest to prevent and treat ailments.

In this article you will discover all the healthy properties of these seeds and the different ways to consume them. In addition to the benefits for your body, they will also make your taste buds very happy. Give them a try!

pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain chlorophyll, which gives them their characteristic green color. They stand out because they are rich in, among other things:

  • vitamin B
  • minerals
  • omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids
  • protein
  • fiber

Although these seeds are rich in healthy fats, you should eat them in moderation to avoid weight gain. In fact, just one tablespoon of pumpkin seeds contains 60 calories! This is therefore also a perfect amount to take.

Because of their high content of fatty acids, keep in mind that they can easily spoil. Therefore, we recommend keeping them in clean packaging, away from light and only for a short period of time.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds on a canvas with a pumpkin

According to several studies, pumpkin seeds provide the following health benefits:

  • increase energy and vitality.
  • protection against free radicals.
  • control of intestinal parasites.
  • aid in the elimination of fluids, thereby fighting fluid retention, swelling and edema.
  • aid in the elimination of mucus in the respiratory tract.
  • improving cardiovascular health.
  • reduce the swelling and relieve the pain of arthritis.
  • improve bone health and thus prevent osteoporosis.
  • combat anemia.

These kernels are a good food for men for two reasons, namely the following:

  • First, they improve fertility, thanks to their arginine content.
  • Second, they prevent prostatic hyperplasia because they contain cucurbitacin.

Recipes with pumpkin seeds

We will now look at several easy pumpkin seed recipes in which the seeds are used as a remedy for the ailments we mentioned earlier.

It is important to eat them daily to obtain the visible effect on our body. The recommended amount is two tablespoons a day, or one if you are mindful of calories.

1. Roasted and Ground

The easiest way is to eat them raw or lightly roasted. This makes them taste better and easier to digest. You can roast them in the oven or even in a skillet with a little olive oil and salt.

You can eat the seeds whole or ground. They can also be added to recipes such as soups and sauces. However, we recommend that you only grind them right before you eat them, so that they don’t lose their properties or before they oxidize.

2. Plant-based milk

The following of the pumpkin seed recipes might surprise you. Did you know that you can make a healthy plant-based milk with pumpkin seeds?

People who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet are used to making plant-based drinks with all kinds of fruits, seeds and grains as an alternative to animal milk.

You can make a delicious and quick drink with pumpkin seeds in the following way.


  • 4 tablespoons roasted pumpkin seeds
  • 500ml water
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon or vanilla
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon honey

That’s how you make it

  • Place all ingredients except the honey in a blender.
  • Blend it for a minute, then strain it.
  • Drink the liquid hot or cold.
A bowl of pumpkin seeds

3. Pumpkin seed crackers

Crackers or roasted seeds are a delicious and healthy snack. This is one of the most popular pumpkin seed recipes.

In addition, it is an alternative to a commercially produced food with ultra-processed flour. It is ideal to combine with all kinds of spreads or toppings, to eat at any time of the day.


  • 4 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons linseed
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • spices to taste, for example oregano, garlic powder or turmeric

That’s how you make it

  • Mix the seeds and water well until the mixture begins to resemble dough.
  • Add the spices and sea salt.
  • Roll out the dough on a baking tray so that it is as thin as possible.
  • Bake it at a low temperature so that the seeds do not dry out, maximum 120 degrees.
  • Leave it in the oven for two hours, or until it’s crispy.

We hope you love these three pumpkin seed recipes as much as we do!

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