The 10 Commandments For Healthy Bones

The proteins in red meat make your bones less able to absorb calcium. It is therefore important to eat red meat in moderation. In addition, increase your consumption of nutrients that actually help the body absorb calcium.
The 10 Commandments for Healthy Bones

Who doesn’t want to have healthy bones later in life? Unfortunately, women and osteoporosis almost always go hand in hand. Indeed, women are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis. Although this is clearly in part genetically determined, your lifestyle and diet can help you prevent the condition.

When it comes to osteoporosis, we almost always refer to women between the ages of 55 and 70. This is the phase in your life in which your bones become weaker and you therefore run a greater risk of bone fractures.

While it is true that estrogen levels decline in women after menopause, leading to bone loss, calcium levels in your body begin to decline gradually from the age of 30. That is why it is essential that you do something about this at a young age.

The good news is that you can prevent osteoporosis by following a diet rich in calcium throughout your life, even before bone loss has occurred at all. If this is already too late for you and you already have osteoporosis, the 10 commandments for strong and healthy bones  in this article will still be important and will help you increase the calcium levels in your body.

Learn more in the article below!

1. Watch your weight


Always try to maintain the correct weight for your age and height. Everyone has an ideal body weight at which they feel fit and healthy  and this does not mean that you have to be ‘super thin’. Remember that extremes are never good for your health.

However, if you are overweight, this is an extra ballast for your bones, causing the bones to wear out faster and become weak.

Even in people who are extremely thin, the body is forced to extract energy from the muscle tissue, which reduces the calcium content in the bones. So always try to aim for a healthy weight.

2. Importance of Vitamin D

You can buy vitamin D in the form of a supplement at the drugstore. Vitamin D contributes to strong bones and ensures that your body properly absorbs the calcium it receives through food.

Although vitamin D is also present in salmon and fortified milk, the amounts in these products are quite small. It is therefore wiser to consult your doctor. He/she can help you determine the amount you need in supplements.

3. The Benefits of Vitamin K

Have you ever heard of vitamin K? The vitamin may not be as well-known as vitamin C, for example, but it is a good tool for repairing bone tissue, making your bones stronger and more dense.

Remember that healthy bones are made up of ‘living tissue’ that needs to be regenerated every now and then.

Therefore, you should increase your consumption of the following foods:

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Swiss chard
  • Watercress
  • head lettuce

4. Are dairy products good for healthy bones?


The subject of cow’s milk raises a lot of contradictions, as you undoubtedly know. Is it good for you or is it dangerous for your health? Milk contains animal proteins that cannot be processed properly by everyone.

So it depends on your body whether that glass of milk is good for you or not.

Milk fortified with calcium and vitamin D can be quite good for you. However, there are other products that are rich in calcium, if you are looking for some alternatives to cow’s milk :

  • tofu
  • Fortified grains
  • Sardines in oil
  • salmon
  • Greek yoghurt
  • Tahini (This is a paste made from toasted sesame seeds. Tahini is rich in calcium and is available at most supermarkets and health food stores).

5. Be careful with vitamin E!

According to a recent publication in the Journal of Natural Medicine , it is important that you do not exceed the daily allowance of vitamin E.

According to the article, this can lead to osteoclasts, a cell type that affects bone structure and causes osteoporosis. Vitamin E is mainly found in sunflower oil, avocado, almonds and peanuts.

Although vitamin E is indeed a powerful antioxidant, it is important not to consume too much of it. So, for example, don’t try to fry everything in sunflower oil from now on. Instead, opt for olive oil and start taking better care of your bones.

6. Avoid Drinking Soda

Soft drink

It’s not that bad at all to drink a glass of soda once or twice a week. However, remember that these sugary drinks contain a form of acid that poses a threat to healthy bones. Drink soda in moderation!

7. Don’t eat too much red meat

Red meat is also a product that is rich in animal proteins. Animal proteins ensure that certain acids are released into the bloodstream that neutralize the physical absorption of calcium. This prevents the calcium from being absorbed properly by the bones.

Therefore, opt for lean meats such as turkey and chicken.

8. Avoid Using Tobacco Products

It’s hard to keep track of how many times we’ve advised you to give up this harmful and dangerous habit.

But if all of our previous arguments weren’t enough to convince you, it might help to know that tobacco and nicotine are direct enemies to bone health when they enter the bloodstream, and they can also cause bone loss.

9. Drink coffee, but in moderation

Drinking coffee is not a problem, as long as you consume the drink in moderation. This means:  no more than two cups a day.

10. Exercise


There is absolutely no need to run a marathon or spend half your salary on a gym membership. Your bones can benefit from just a little moderate, light exercise, such as walking for half an hour a day or swimming twice a week.

Exercise not only makes your bones stronger, but also keeps your body and bones flexible and improves your overall well-being.

Shouldn’t you put these tips into practice today?

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