Strengthen Your Veins And Prevent Varicose Veins

How do you get those ugly varicose veins on the lower legs? Problems with blood circulation is the main cause for its occurrence. If you would like to tackle or prevent varicose veins today, these simple exercises are highly recommended.
Strengthen your veins and prevent varicose veins

In this article we are going to talk about strengthening your veins and preventing varicose veins.

The veins in the body are small tunnels through which blood is transported. The blood collects waste products from the body that are filtered out by the liver and then removed.

Elastic, strong veins are of the utmost importance for good circulation and a good condition of the body. However, veins tend to harden and weaken in old age. A large number of conditions can be the result of this.

Age is the main cause of the weakening of the arteries, but this process speeds up if you have unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as smoking, eating too much fat and drinking too much alcohol.

Varicose veins

Did you know that the veins in the lower part of the body have to do much harder work than the ones in the upper part of the body? Gravity makes it more difficult to pump blood from your feet to your heart.

The lower limbs also bear the weight of the entire body. Body weight is therefore also a factor that plays an important role in circulatory health and determines how easy or difficult blood flows through the veins.

Varicose veins

If the veins start to weaken, we notice at the same time that the valves between the different blood vessels also start to function less well. The blood is pumped less well and reaches the heart less quickly.

Blood can then form clots in the legs and lead to inflammation. In this way, the unsightly nodules that we know as varicose veins arise.

Varicose veins can be recognized by the bluish color and swollen veins in the legs. The appearance of them can make you very insecure and they are also painful.

The varicose veins not only look unsightly, but can also affect the healthy tissue around the veins. The accumulated waste products that are not removed can lead to ulcers and open wounds on the skin if the varicose veins are not treated.

If you don’t address this health problem in time, persistent circulatory problems can lead to the development of more serious heart diseases.

Exercises for treating and preventing varicose veins

stretching exercises

Exercise and regular exercise keep the veins healthy and are the most important remedy for varicose veins. By planning movement in your daily agenda, you can also prevent its occurrence.

Workouts that consist of repeating movements in particular stimulate circulation and can specifically address the problem of varicose veins.

Most recommended range of motion exercises for the prevention of varicose veins:

  • Following a balanced gymnastics program
  • Go swimming a few times a week
  • Also think about cycling to and from work
  • Or would you rather spin indoors?
  • An all-round movement class such as yoga
  • Take a relaxing walk every evening

A simple program that you can easily perform at home is following an online workout for about twenty minutes, with an emphasis on working with weights and leg stretches.

These topical exercises are a great way to make the veins in the legs stronger and healthier. Finish this round of exercises with twenty leg lifts, on both the left and right.

Your food for the prevention of varicose veins

It should come as no surprise that what appears on your plate also exerts a major influence on the condition of the veins in your body. The veins need sufficient nutrients every day to keep them sufficiently elastic, strong and healthy.

Remember to put plenty of foods on the menu that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as seeds and fatty fish. Let fruit and vegetables form the basis of your diet and supplement this with amino acids from products such as yeast and soy.

Smoothie to make your veins stronger

green smoothie

This smoothie is a real ally to strengthen the capillaries and veins, so that blood is pumped around easily and waste can be easily removed from the body. Put the smoothie regularly on the menu to easily prevent varicose veins.

What do you need for this?

  • A stalk of green celery
  • two tomatoes
  • A clove of garlic
  • A few slices of onion
  • One and a half cups of aloe vera juice or about 300 ml
  • A teaspoon of spirulina or about 5 gr

Preparation method

Combine all ingredients in a blender and let it blend for a few minutes. Drink this green smoothie preferably on an empty stomach.

Home remedy to make the veins stronger


This simple home remedy is very easy to prepare. It also gives excellent results if you regularly put it on the menu.

Buy kale and roughly chop the leaves. Smooth the leaves with a rolling pin and apply the leaves to the varicose veins. Leave them on for several hours or apply a bandage at night before going to bed. If you keep this method up for a few weeks, you will definitely notice a reduction in the varicose veins.

Remember that natural home remedies don’t always give quick results, but treat yourself to healthy lifestyle habits and a balanced diet and the veins will regain strength and flexibility in the long run.

Healthy and tasty food and regular exercise will undoubtedly ensure the reduction of varicose veins. If the problem persists and you see serious forms of varicose veins occur, a visit to the doctor can provide a definitive answer about possible surgical intervention.

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