Raising Awareness Of The Eye Disease Glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss worldwide and early detection can lead to improvement in critical cases. Today’s article takes a closer look at this and also mentions some of the ways people are becoming aware of it.
Raising awareness of the eye disease glaucoma

Organizations around the world are raising public awareness about the eye disease glaucoma. The aim is to reduce its impact on the population. This is because the disease leads to poor drainage of the eye fluid, which increases the volume of the fluid in the eye and, as a result, the intraocular pressure rises.

The impact of this condition on the world’s health is enormous, as it is the fourth leading cause of vision loss and more than eight million people worldwide suffer from this condition. Fortunately, this condition is reversible in 90% of cases when detected early.

World Glaucoma Week

The reason for this event is to raise awareness of the disease and its harmful effects. In addition, it encourages the population to monitor their visual health by having periodic tests. All this to increase the percentage of early detections.

What are the objectives of this event?

The goals of World Glaucoma Week are exactly what their slogan says: “focus on glaucoma” and also to reach different sectors. The essential objectives from which planning begins are

  • raising awareness of the risks of glaucoma
  • raising awareness of the importance of regular testing
  • provide information on the risk groups that should pay particular attention to this disease
  • finally, raising awareness of the need for early treatment
A woman undergoes an eye test


These continue to increase over the years. Congresses are among the initiatives that have the greatest presence and impact on the population. Here, specialists present advances in the treatment of glaucoma. They also organize campaigns on social networks and in various media, so that relevant information reaches all sectors.

No less important are the free testing days in various countries for the early detection of glaucoma. This strategy draws attention to the action.

Risk groups

Diagnosis as early as possible will always be an advantage in preventing glaucoma cases from reaching a critical level. In addition, insight into who belongs to the risk groups enables differentiated and effective follow-up.

In that regard, they keep the following scenarios in mind when it comes to risk assessment:

  • having diabetes
  • be older than 60 years
  • being nearsighted
  • have close relatives with glaucoma
  • are of African descent (estimates indicate that they have a thinner cornea and that this thinness can increase intraocular pressure)
  • farsightedness

The importance of early diagnosis of the eye disease glaucoma

Since the initiative of World Glaucoma Week, specialists recommend having the eye test every two years. The importance of early diagnosis is that, even if it is not possible to restore the lost vision, the treatments can slow down the deterioration.

Most cases of the eye disease glaucoma that are detected in time do not adversely affect the patient’s quality of life. In addition, it gives the doctor more time to decide the best approach.

Experts recommend continuous eye health monitoring after the age of 40, regardless of whether or not you belong to the above-mentioned risk group.

Available treatments

These depend on the patient, and doctors may prescribe drops, perform laser surgery, or use filtration techniques. So, the available approaches for glaucoma are:

  • Drops such as:
    • prostaglandins
    • beta blockers
    • alpha-adrenergic agonists
    • carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
    • rho kinase inhibitors
    • both miotic and cholinergic compounds
  • Oral medication as an aid for intraocular pressure regulation, but only when necessary
  • Surgery includes trabeculectomy (spanish link) (opening a pathway for ocular fluid secretion) and minimally invasive glaucoma surgery known as MIGS
  • Laser therapy, a selective laser trabeculoplasty used for open-angle glaucoma

Living with the eye disease glaucoma

A man rubs his eye

After the diagnosis of glaucoma has been made and the treatments determined by the specialist have started, a new phase of adjustment begins. World Glaucoma Week also makes a good contribution in this regard.

Consultations may be weekly or monthly, depending on intraocular pressure monitoring. Therefore, communication and trust with the doctor are critical to living with glaucoma, as it facilitates timely adjustment.

In addition, you should keep a record of all the medicines you are taking or have used in the past and the reaction you have had to each of those medicines. This is regardless of whether the doctor has your data. As you can see, patient involvement never hurts.

Here are other general tips:

  • take good eye care
  • don’t rub your eyes, even if the medication makes you uncomfortable
  • use sunglasses at activities that allow it
  • reduce stress and give importance to emotional stability to cope with situations of imminent blindness
  • ensure communication with the environment
  • maintain a normal life with usual activities (this is based on the non-negotiable premise of taking care of the eyes through conditions that pose a risk)

World Glaucoma Week raises awareness and encourages consultation

This event reminds us of the importance of vision, its unavoidable care and early detection of problems. In addition, it is often recommended to have the optic nerve checked every one to two years.

Finally, if you have the eye disease glaucoma, it’s best to supplement your usual activities with healthy habits that protect your eyesight. You can do the latter, for example, by using hypoallergenic products. “ Don’t lose sight of glaucoma !”

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