How To Treat Constipation Without Laxatives

It is possible to treat constipation without using laxatives, but it is necessary to incorporate healthy habits into your routine.
How To Treat Constipation Without Laxatives

It is possible to treat constipation without using laxatives, but it is necessary to incorporate a good amount of healthy habits into your daily routine.

Many people who suffer from constipation usually have it from a young age. These people have always had a hard time going to the toilet and it takes a long time to pass a bowel movement.

However, constipation also involves a number of other problems, such as:

  • a bloated feeling.
  • intestinal gas.
  • discomfort of not emptying completely.
  • sometimes people with constipation also get hemorrhoids because of the hardness of their stools.

Treating Constipation Without Laxatives

Moving really helps

woman running

When treating constipation without laxatives, you should start with more regular exercise. Believe it or not, exercise improves intestinal transit.

When you move, the muscles in the abdomen help move the stool along. As a result, the stool will pass through the intestines faster. Many people with constipation often have problems with peristaltic movements.

However, exercise is also good for your hydration. Many people with constipation do not drink enough water, which makes their stools even harder. When you exercise, you get more thirsty and therefore drinking more water is easy.

Have you ever noticed that you have to go to the bathroom after exercise? This fact can be very surprising to people who suffer from constipation. They will find that they can go to the bathroom very easily after exercise. Exercise is very good for treating constipation without laxatives.

Changes in your diet

Are you eating enough fiber? Does your diet include a lot of fruits and vegetables? Or do you eat a lot of processed foods? This will make a big difference. If you suffer from constipation, you will have noticed that eating a lot of junk food reduces the amount of time you need to go to the bathroom.

That’s why you should eat a lot more fruits and vegetables, which improves intestinal transit and makes you go to the toilet more often. You will notice the difference once you make this change.

You should also pay attention to the medications you may be taking for other illnesses. For example, for thyroid disorders or diabetes. Sometimes certain medications can cause constipation.

Follow a routine

woman goes to the toilet

This is one of the best tips for treating constipation without laxatives, although you may respond with,  “But what if I don’t have to go to the bathroom?”  Don’t worry, go at the time of your choosing and take your time.

Following a routine doesn’t really work for people who suffer from constipation. Usually they have to wait a while before going to the bathroom. Sometimes they may have to force it. So, it’s a good idea to sit down and take your time, even though you may not feel the need to go.

It is best to always go at the same time so that your body gets used to it. It can be before or after breakfast, before exercise or before going to bed. You choose!

Take a good attitude

When it comes to bowel movements, the modern toilet is not so good for posture. However, you can make it a little easier on yourself. For example, you can put a crutch under your feet or rest your weight on your toes.

This will be more like a squatting position, which is the best position for bowel movements. How did that happen? That’s because you create abdominal pressure that is good for bowel movements.

What Helps You Treat Constipation? Do some of these methods work better than others? Trying these tips can especially improve your constipation, especially if you exercise.

However, it is also important to watch what you eat. Whatever happens, it’s up to you to improve this condition.

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