How To Treat A Nosebleed In Children

There are many ‘tips’ that do not always help to stop a nosebleed, but there is an easy and effective solution.
How to treat a nosebleed in children

A nosebleed in children is common, but it can also be frightening because it is terrible to see blood flowing from the nose. It generally means no danger at all and can be stopped easily. 

The main thing is to stay calm and follow some simple recommendations. Normally, the bleeding stops in a very short time. Only in some rare cases should you seek medical help.

Read this article to learn a little more about nosebleeds in children so that you can act quickly and correctly if they occur.

Why does a nosebleed occur in children?

How to treat a nosebleed in children

The most common cause of a nosebleed in children is the rupture of one of the small blood vessels in the nose, causing blood to flow known as ‘epistaxis’. There are several reasons for these cracks, including:

  • nose picking
  • A cold or allergy
  • A dry environment
  • Allergy medication
  • A previous injury or blow

When a nosebleed in children is very common, the capillaries in the nose may be irritated or they may not have healed properly from a previous time. In those cases, a doctor can look for a more sustainable solution.

We also recommend seeking medical attention if the bleeding is due to an external blow to the nose or head. In rare cases, your child may have a blood clotting problem that also needs to be treated by a specialist.

What to do if there is a nosebleed?

A very simple procedure is enough to stop a nosebleed in children:

  1. Take a tissue or towel and pinch the nose in the soft area above the septum.
  2. Continue to apply pressure and tilt the child’s head forward.
  3. Stop squeezing after 10 minutes. Don’t stop before to make sure the wound dries well.
  4. If it still bleeds then do it for another 10 minutes. If it continues to bleed, we recommend that you see a doctor.

There are also some popular beliefs that are wrong. That’s why we want to warn you here about what NOT to do:

Don't tilt your head back with a nosebleed
  • Do not let the child lie down. It is best to remain standing or sitting.
  • Do not tilt your head back, as this may allow blood to flow into the throat.
  • Do not let your child pick his nose and do not put things like cotton balls or tissues in it. This can make the bleeding worse instead of stopping it.

See a doctor if you notice any of these symptoms

  • In addition to bleeding, the child feels dizzy.
  • The bleeding is the result of a blow to the head.
  • The bleeding is stronger than normal.
  • There are bruises on other parts of the body.
  • Other parts of the body also bleed, such as the gums.

How to prevent a nosebleed in children

  • Keep children’s nails short so they don’t cut themselves picking their noses.
  • Keep your home moist. If the weather is very dry, moisten your nose with nasal sprays.
  • Make sure your children wear protective clothing when they play contact sports.

Finally, keep calm and use the methods described in this article. In case of complications or doubts, you can always consult your doctor.

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