How To Lower Your Triglyceride Levels Naturally

Triglycerides are a type of fat in our blood. In this article, you can learn how to lower your triglyceride levels naturally.
How to lower your triglyceride levels naturally

Triglycerides are in our blood and are a certain type of fat and together they determine the triglyceride level. These come largely from animal food. Normal triglyceride values ​​have a maximum of 150 mg/dl. If these values ​​reach an amount of 200 mg/dl, you can already speak of triglyceride problems.

To quickly and naturally lower your triglyceride levels  and thus protect your physical health, you need to take certain steps. In this article, you can learn how to lower your triglyceride levels naturally.

Directions and Tips to Lower Triglycerides Naturally

Very high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood can jeopardize your heart health and cause other disorders as well. To lower the triglyceride level in your blood, a change in your diet is undoubtedly the first step.

Eat more fiber, such as oatmeal or whole grain. This will help your body absorb fat. Some fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, apples and oranges, are also good allies.

Try to cut down on bread, pasta, salty snacks, pastries, cakes, fried foods, and alcohol. Simply avoid any foods that do not provide health benefits and increase the amount of lipids in your blood, and replace them with whole grains and healthier foods.

Lower your triglyceride levels with vegetables

Another food group to avoid is processed sugars. It is better to choose stevia instead of refined sugar, soft drinks or diet drinks. It is even better to opt for water or natural juices. Opt for fresh fruit instead of sweets or artificial desserts. Always go for the darkest chocolate you can find (with more than 70% cocoa).

Opt for low-fat or fat-free dairy products, whether it’s milk, cheese, yogurt, or butter. To flavor your salads and dishes, it is always best to choose olive oil. This is healthier and very tasty and if you use olive oil, you don’t have to use mayonnaise, for example. Always eat lean meats and avoid products that contain a lot of fat, such as fast food.

sausage meat

Sausage meat is one of the biggest enemies in the fight against triglycerides. Therefore eat turkey meat or lean ham and refrain from salami, sausages etc. or eat this type of meat only for special occasions. If you really can’t live without sausage, choose a type that is made from turkey or chicken and that contains little salt.

eating unhealthy

Eat more monounsaturated fatty acids, such as olive oil. Monounsaturated fatty acids are also present in the so-called fatty fish such as mackerel, sardines, tuna, salmon, horse mackerel, swordfish, anchovies as well as dried fruit and rapeseed oil – all of which are packed with omega 3 and fatty acids.

Keep in mind that high triglyceride levels don’t just occur in overweight or obese people.  Even for people with a normal weight, it is therefore necessary to pay attention to the diet. It is recommended to eat raw as much as possible and if this is not possible choose to fry, grill, steam or boil your food.

Avoid stewed and fried foods, as well as processed and frozen foods. Remove visible fat from meat and never eat or cook chicken with the skin on.

Although drinking alcohol is not recommended, a small glass of red wine with lunch is allowed. This is actually good for cardiovascular health. If you are a smoker, try to quit. This will only improve your physical health.



As for natural remedies, which you can use to remove excess triglycerides, eating a clove of garlic every day is helpful . Garlic will have a good influence on the fat balance thanks to the properties it possesses. You can make another helpful remedy yourself by  mixing two tablespoons of oatmeal with a glass of water and letting it rest overnight.

Drink the water the next morning so that the fat is absorbed and the cholesterol level is regulated. An infusion of mandarin or orange peel in boiling water can also help you remove triglycerides.

Remember to drink plenty of water every day. If you haven’t already made a habit of this, there are even apps for your mobile phone that will help you to remember to drink your daily amount of water (two liters in winter and three in summer).

It is also important to keep track of how many calories you consume.  A visit to the nutritionist is therefore always a good idea, especially if you are struggling with weight problems or if you are overweight. Ideally, women should eat no more than 1200 calories a day and men no more than 1800.



Moderate exercise is an important part of lowering your triglyceride levels. You can start by taking a short walk three times a week and then gradually increase your activity more often and for longer. In this way you will start to feel better about yourself. 20 to 30 minutes a day is already very good.

But you should also add some variety to your routine and opt for a different form of exercise every now and then. So go for a bike ride, take the stairs instead of the elevator, dance, clean the house with a lot of energy, mow the grass, wash the car, etc.



Finally, as mentioned before: stop smoking. While tobacco certainly does not produce triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, it has been proven that it is more difficult for smokers to improve their triglyceride levels. Smoking also makes exercise more difficult.

When you stop smoking, the benefits will be felt throughout the body. Quitting smoking is especially good for the heart, lungs and even the skin.

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