Get Beautiful Long Lashes With These 5 Resources

Your eyes are an essential part of your appearance. You can dress great in a great outfit, but if the makeup on your eyes isn’t right, you’re not sending the message you want to send out.
Get beautiful long lashes with these 5 resources

Using home remedies is a great way to get long lashes because they contain the least amount of artificial ingredients and won’t irritate your sensitive eyes.

Eyelashes play a very important role in your facial expression. Long eyelashes give a confident look to your face. 

If you want others to have this confident impression of you, the aesthetic isn’t enough. You must also show the right behavior.

Looking good on the outside can help you gain confidence.

But long eyelashes are also good for your health. As you know  , the purpose of the eyelashes is to protect your eyes from dust  and particles in the air.

We therefore thought it would be a good idea to share some tips so that you can get beautiful long lashes. If you can achieve this with only natural ingredients, why not?

However, if you have eye problems, you should talk to your doctor before using any of these treatments.

Get stronger and longer lashes with these remedies

1. Castor Oil

castor oil

Castor oil is an ideal remedy for the treatment of weak hair, as  it aids in growth and renewal. 

That is why it is also a great remedy for the eyelashes.

It also has the advantage of being very quick and easy. All you need to do  is dampen a cotton pad and apply the oil to this area. 

You can use this daily to take good care of your eyelashes.

2. Olive oil

Olive oil is  rich in antioxidants that help with optimal growth of your eyelashes.

Like the first remedy, it is very easy to use:

  • Dip your fingers in the oil and apply it to the roots of your lashes.
  • You will gradually notice that they get longer and look healthier.
  • You can apply it during the day without any problems. Still, we recommend doing it before going to sleep. This will benefit the refresh process throughout the night.

3. Coconut Oil

coconut oil

Coconut oil has countless uses. The vitamins found in coconut oil make it perfect  for your personal care.

  • It keeps your lashes well-groomed and this translates into length and shine.
  • You can use this just like the other oils we have described above.

You can buy coconut oil in almost all health food stores and even supermarkets.

4. Chamomile

Besides being high in nutrients, chamomile has another benefit. It has  antibacterial properties.

As we said before, the eyes suffer from the effects of air pollution. A cup of chamomile tea will help treat this entire area.

  • You can massage and rinse your eyelids with the chamomile.
  • This way you  protect yourself against infections and you get beautiful long eyelashes.

5. Protein

Egg white

What’s great about protein is, of course, the protein it contains. It not only helps burn fat and increase muscle mass. It’s also great for your hair.

Protein is found is many natural shampoos. Although it is a bit more difficult to use than the other remedies, it is very effective.

This is the  best way to use a protein: 

  • Put an egg white in a bowl. You don’t have to knock this one.
  • Apply it to your lashes from the roots with your fingertips.
  • Wait 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this three times a week.

As you can see we love natural products. The eyes are a very sensitive part of your body that you need to handle with care.

We prefer natural remedies because  they have no side effects and yet are very effective. 

However, we do recommend that you always check with your doctor before using it.

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