Five Homemade Potions That Detox Your Liver

To keep your liver healthy and functioning properly, we recommend consuming natural foods and drinks that help us cleanse and protect this organ.
Five Homemade Drinks That Detox Your Liver

Many people don’t realize how important it is  to take care of their liver and detoxify your liver so they stay in good health.  This organ is important because it performs important functions such as regulating our metabolism, cleaning our blood and digesting fats.

The liver also helps synthesize plasmic proteins, which is a process that stores essential vitamins in the body.

Unfortunately, the problem is that we are continuously exposed to environmental toxins and unhealthy food, which can cause the liver to work less well and to cleanse the body less well.

As a result, we can develop a number of disorders, which endanger not only our liver health, but also the health of other parts of our body.

Due to this frightening fact, a growing number of people are regularly detoxifying their bodies and livers, triggering a reaction that removes the waste products  and allows the liver to resume its vital processes.

Below are five all-natural, homemade drinks that protect the liver and help detoxify your liver.

Five Homemade Drinks That Detox Your Liver

1. Apple juice and lemon juice with a little cinnamon

Apple and Cinnamon

The antiseptic and detoxifying power of lemon combined with the cleansing properties of cinnamon and apple come together to create this hydrating and healthy drink.

It contains fiber and antioxidants that help flush out the toxins and waste so that vital functions will improve.


  • 2 apples
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 liter of water

Preparation method

  • First cut the apples and remove the seeds.
  • Then put the apples in the blender and pour in the water and lemon juice.
  • Then mix all ingredients.
  • Then pour the juice into a jar and add the cinnamon stick.
  • Drink it throughout the day for at least two weeks.

2. Strawberry Watermelon Rosemary Water

This low calorie drink is a great way to hydrate the body and reduce the presence of toxins in the body. It contains a high concentration of antioxidants that  protects us from free radicals and liver problems.

It is also a natural diuretic, ideal for eliminating excess fluids retained in the body.


  • 170 grams of strawberries
  • 2 pieces of watermelon
  • Two sprigs of rosemary
  • 2 liters of water

Preparation method

  • Place the strawberries in the blender, then add the watermelon and water.
  • Then mix all ingredients together.
  • Then pour all the ingredients together in a jar and add the two rosemary sprigs.
  • Then put the mixture in the fridge and drink it every four to six weeks.
  • Drink it three times a week.

3. Beets and lemon juice


Beets contain betalain, a powerful antioxidant and cleansing agent. Eating this vegetable  eliminates metals from our body and reduces the risk of liver cancer.

In this case, we add even more positive effects by using lemon juice to make an ideal anti-waste drink.


  • A big beet
  • Lemon juice
  • 200ml water

Preparation method

  • Cut the beetroot into pieces and then mix them in the blender with the water and lemon juice.
  • Serve it fresh and drink it on an empty stomach, seven days in a row.

4. Watercress

Watercress is known for its diuretic and cleansing qualities, which  facilitate the regulation of body fluids and reduce inflammation. In addition, its properties improve blood filtering to remove toxins and excess lipids.

Watercress is also recommended for the treatment of high bilirubin, hepatitis and gallstones.


  • 50 grams watercress
  • 1/2 liter of water

Preparation method

  • Wash the watercress and then finely chop it (with or without the root).
  • After that, boil half a liter of water and remove it from the heat when it starts to boil.
  • Then add the watercress.
  • Let it sit for ten minutes and then try to drink a cup.
  • Then drink it three days in a row, during the day.

5. Orange juice and ginger


Orange juice is a delicious detoxifying drink that you can drink every day. In this case, we mix the juice with ginger and olive oil to get a natural remedy to fight liver problems.

The properties of this drink reduce inflammation and promote the elimination of waste from the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.


  • 250 ml natural orange juice
  • 5 grams of fresh ginger
  • 15 ml olive oil

Preparation method

  • First, pour all the ingredients into the blender and mix them well.
  • Then serve the drink right away and drink it three days in a row.

If you find yourself retaining fluids or experiencing any other physical discomfort, consider preparing one of these delicious drinks to help detox your liver.

Remember to drink them as we recommend above and  support the treatment with a diet low in fat and sugar.

Do not drink several of these drinks at the same time as it will not lead to the right result.

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