Do You Worry Too Much About What Others Think?

If you worry about what others think and give it more importance than your own opinion, you put your happiness in their hands.
Do you worry too much about what others think?

Are you concerned about what others think?

Always trying to please others or making decisions to gain the approval of others can cost you so much energy that it destroys your happiness.

You will plunge yourself into a downward spiral of sadness and destruction because other people have very different opinions. Sometimes you even feel confused. Who am I listening to? And who should I ignore?

you can change

The good news is you can change this. There are certain things you do without realizing that it gives away that you worry about what others think.

Stop thinking about what others think

About what others think about you

Judging yourself through the eyes of others clearly shows that you have a self-confidence problem  .

If someone tells you today that you are attractive, then you feel attractive. But if someone says the opposite to you the next day, you change your mind.

This prevents you from seeing yourself as you are. You are obsessed with what others think and how they see you. In addition, you worry a lot about your appearance.

Value your own opinion

Start by looking in the mirror and paying attention to your own opinion of yourself. Put aside the opinions of others.

Your opinion should always come first, because that opinion is the most important.

You don’t have to be perfect

About what others think are not perfect

When you start worrying about what others think about you, you start adopting different habits to create the image of the perfect person.

This is of course impossible and it will wear you out.

You start saying “I’m sorry” when you couldn’t help it because you are taking on responsibilities that are not yours.

Your obsession with being perfect will make you feel guilty about just about anything because you won’t tolerate even the smallest mistake.

You change your plans to please others.

We give an example. You are home one day and you don’t feel like going out. But your friends want to make plans. Then you force yourself to please them and not make excuses.

Saying “I don’t feel like it” is not an option.

After all, you want to be perfect. This way you always make others more important and you do things you don’t want to do to please them.

Plus, you’re always stressed because you’re trying to get along with everyone around you. Then you get anxious and nervous every moment that you don’t get along with someone.

You don’t have to be perfect.

And you can’t expect to get along with everyone. Not doing what you feel like and worrying about what others think is a big mistake.

Start thinking more about yourself, about what you really feel. You have nothing to lose by trying this new way of trading.

Start making decisions with confidence

About what others think and make choices

All of the above leaves you with terrible uncertainty with every decision you have to make.

They don’t necessarily have to be important. For example, even in small, simple things you will doubt yourself.

Why is this happening to you?

It happens because you are always focused on others. You are concerned about what others think and how they react to your decisions.

You’re afraid they won’t approve of what you’ve chosen, so you keep doubting yourself.

Instead, try to think that what you decide is for yourself. Not for others. Put the spotlight on yourself and don’t doubt yourself. Many successful people at the time had no support from others around them.

But eventually it became clear that the decisions they made were the best they could have done.

If you think carefully about what others think, it really isn’t that important.

After all, it is much more important what you think about it.

Make yourself the most important. Stop making others more important than yourself. Don’t let your decisions depend on the reactions of others.

The responsibility for how you live your life is yours alone. Because when push comes to shove, the road you travel is yours. And it is your feet that follow that path.

So don’t worry about what others think.

Instead, give yourself that energy and priority.

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