Diuretic Foods That Cleanse The Body

Diuretic foods are especially useful for people who want to lose weight. It is often the case that those extra kilos only consist of excess fluid that accumulates in the body.
Diuretic foods that cleanse the body

There are many healthy foods that help the body naturally eliminate fluids. This keeps the body in balance. Diuretic foods are especially useful for people who want to lose weight. It is often the case that those extra kilos only consist of excess fluid. This fluid builds up in the body, making you look bloated.

With a diet that contains a lot of diuretic foods, it is important to remember to drink enough. This can prevent you from dehydration. Below is a list of diuretic foods that can help you lose weight or prevent fluid retention.

Diuretic foods


This delicious vegetable – yes, watermelon is related to the cucumber and is basically a vegetable – contains a large amount of water, which stimulates the removal of moisture. In addition, watermelon contains good amounts of nutrients that the body needs to stay properly hydrated. Regular melon has the same properties as watermelon.

Green tea

Although this tea contains less caffeine than coffee, drinking green tea is recommended because of its high theine content to remove excess fluid from the body.  

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can help correct potassium levels. Potassium levels are often affected by following a strict diuretic diet.


Tomatoes contain many components that are very good for the body. This is especially vitamin C. Eating tomatoes regularly helps to keep kidney function healthy. This allows the body to remove fluids and toxins more quickly and efficiently.


Parsley is often seen as a garnish on plates. However, did you know that this herb has an excellent diuretic effect and therefore prevents fluid retention ? The best way to consume parsley is by drinking infusions. Do this preferably on an empty stomach or in the middle of the morning.


The diuretic properties of artichoke have been known for centuries. Today, the artichoke is still known for these properties, as well as for its ability to support kidney function and for the high amount of nutrients this vegetable contains, which are good for overall health.


Asparagus contains many components that ensure that the kidneys continue to function properly. Excess moisture can affect health. This fluid is then also removed from the body.


Cranberries or cranberries can help prevent urinary tract infections, which are especially common in women.  Cranberries ensure that toxins are regularly removed from the body. This prevents microorganisms that are bad for the body from accumulating or multiplying.


Oats are prized for their ability to lower and control cholesterol levels. The cereal is also very helpful in reducing edema caused by fluid retention. This is due to the silicon dioxide component that oats contain.

Fruit and vegetables

As you can see, there are a variety of foods that can help your body get rid of fluids. Choose the product you like best or choose several and then eat one every morning. By doing this, you can keep your body healthy and at an ideal weight, without dieting extremes that can be harmful to health.

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