Discover 6 Vitamins That Reduce Inflammation

A healthy, varied and balanced diet is fundamental to fight inflammation. For example, an unhealthy diet can also cause inflammation.
Discover 6 Vitamins That Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is your body’s reactions. Its features include redness, swelling, pain, and difficulty moving. Inflammation occurs as a reaction to microorganisms or irritants. It can also develop as a result of an injury. But are there any natural remedies that reduce inflammation?

Some vitamins have the ability to reduce inflammation. That’s because they contain a lot of antioxidants. So it is important that you know which vitamins and which foods to add to your diet. Above all, make sure that your diet is complete and balanced.

In this article we give you an overview of six essential vitamins.

6 Vitamins That Reduce Inflammation

Vitamin A can ease pain in the muscles and joints. It is also indispensable for good vision and healthy skin.

This vitamin also strengthens your immune system. In addition, it supports the growth and care of muscle tissue. The same goes for the bones.

We know that this nutrient can also reduce and control inflammation. Because it reduces levels of MCP-1, an inflammatory mediator.

Where do you get the necessary amount of vitamin A from?

These are some foods that contain vitamin A:

  • Paprika
  • Red pepper
  • Sweet potato
  • Root
  • Salad

Vitamin E is a biological component that is essential for the health of the human body.

But your body cannot make this vitamin naturally. So you must ensure that it is sufficiently present in your daily diet. The recommended amount for adults is at least fifteen milligrams of this nutrient per day.

In 2008, a study was conducted into the effect of vitamin E. It was established that this vitamin lowers the cytokine level. That has an effect on inflammation. Because cytokines are also a group of inflammatory mediators in the body.

How do you get the necessary amount of vitamin E?

You can absorb this vitamin naturally. You just need to eat more of the following foods:

  • Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts)
  • sunflower seeds
  • Vegetable oils
  • Vegetables (spinach, broccoli, tomatoes)
  • Fruits (mango, kiwi)

If you have a cut, it’s a good idea to eat these foods. Also do this with any kind of inflammation.

Vitamin C protects and heals muscle tissues. The result is that muscle pain and joint pain are reduced.

In addition, this vitamin also supports the body in other areas:

  • It strengthens your immune system.
  • The development of the cells is also enhanced. This ensures the maintenance and healing of the muscles.

Where do you get the necessary amount of vitamin C?

The recommended amount of vitamin C is one gram per day. You have to add another five hundred milligrams of flavonoids (natural antioxidants).

How are you doing this? You can absorb flavonoids by eating the following foods more often:

  • Vegetables (artichokes, spinach, broccoli)
  • Fruits (apples, lemon, pomegranate, apricots, plums)
  • Green tea
  • Cacao

Multiple studies have also shown that taking in a lot of vitamin C reduces inflammation in the body.  Vitamin C can be found in the following foods:

  • oranges
  • peppers
  • Kiwi
  • Thyme
  • Cauliflower
  • spicy peppers
  • Guava

A number of vitamins belong to the B complex. They regulate your metabolism and strengthen your immune system. In addition, they reduce pain and inflammation in your muscles and joints. They are also important to maintain healthy skin.

B complex vitamins are responsible for muscle resilience and for reducing inflammation in the joints.

Thus, they are very helpful in chronic conditions such as arthritis. They can also help in case of acute illnesses resulting from, for example, certain types of viruses. The recommendation is to eat at least fifty milligrams of B complex vitamins throughout the day. It is best to divide them over two meals.

These beneficial substances can be found in the following foods:

  • Eggs
  • Lean meat
  • Liver
  • peanut butter
  • walnuts
  • soybeans

Vitamin D is a natural soluble steroid. Your body makes it itself when the skin is exposed to sunlight. So people who get enough sun every day do not need extra supplements.

This vitamin fights inflammation. This is especially true for people suffering from cancer.

Not only sunlight provides vitamin D. You also get it from these foods:

  • Fish
  • oysters
  • Ham
  • tofu
  • Dairy products

Vitamin K prevents inflammation. Because it inhibits the active ingredients that cause inflammation. These components are made by the white blood cells and are called monocytes.

In large amounts, vitamin K also helps to increase heart and bone health.

Because it reduces the calcification and stiffness of your vascular tissue. As a result, the risk of a heart attack decreases. Vitamin K is mainly present in the following vegetables:

  • Spinach
  • turnip leaves
  • Swiss chard
  • Parsley
  • Romaine salad
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower

Make sure you eat enough vitamins so that you can reduce inflammation.

Follow a balanced diet. This way you avoid getting tired of healthy food. But reducing inflammation is not the only effect. Because it is also the best way to provide your body with the necessary nutrients to stay healthy.

So you see that reducing inflammation is fun and easy. Because the list of possibilities is large. Try to eat different foods at each meal.

We also recommend that you lead a healthy life. That way, inflammation doesn’t stand a chance at all. Also, don’t forget to get plenty of exercise!

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