Crushed Garlic To Restore Your Eyesight

Did you know that the sulfur content in garlic is ideal for lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, both of which are linked to vision loss?
Pressed garlic to restore your eyesight

Vision loss is a health problem linked to the aging process. Not everyone is affected in the same way. But a high percentage of the world’s population suffers from certain age-related problems.

The problem is that some people just ignore these aging problems. They  only pay attention to it when the problem has already reached a serious, in many cases irreversible, stage.

Improving Living Habits

For this reason, doctors and experts recommend improving your lifestyle, especially in relation to your diet. After all, your eyes need essential fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants to perform optimally and prevent deterioration. That is why you should take a good look at your own eating habits. Then include foods in your diet that are good for your eyes.

For example, eating garlic every day can help prevent and even reverse macular degeneration. This is mainly due to the sulfur content and essential minerals that garlic contains, as these nutrients can protect the membranes of your eyes.

What is macular degeneration?


Macular degeneration is a disease of the eye. It is  characterized by the slow decline of your central and sharp vision. This makes it more difficult to see and read small details.

It is more common in people who are 60 years of age or older. Although it sometimes also occurs in slightly younger people.

the macula

The disease occurs when the macula, a small part of the retina, deteriorates or is damaged. This is usually part of the natural aging process. However, macular degeneration can also be accelerated by maintaining bad habits or by developing certain diseases.

The consequences of macular degeneration

People who suffer from this condition experience blurriness, dark spots or disturbed central vision. But sometimes it even leads to complete loss of central vision.

How can garlic help with macular degeneration and vision loss?

Thanks to its high nutrient content and other beneficial properties, garlic has become one of the most popular foods for vision care.

  • The sulphurous components, as well as the selenium and various vitamins, are able to reduce the symptoms of macular degeneration.
  • Its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action can protect eye cells. It can also help prevent these cells from being destroyed by free radicals.
  • In addition, garlic is great for controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These are aspects that have both been associated with eye damage and vision loss.

Blood pressure and what it has to do with your eyesight


People who suffer from high blood pressure are more likely to have vision problems than people who have healthy blood pressure. This is because high blood pressure impedes blood circulation and this has a negative impact on the retina.

The retina is dependent on sufficient oxygen to function properly. An obstructed blood circulation is therefore bad for your eyesight.

Garlic promotes circulation and lowers the systolic value (the top pressure) until it is stable.

Cholesterol and the health of your eyes

Too much cholesterol in your bloodstream causes unhealthy consequences not only on a cardiovascular level. But it  can also cause fat deposits behind the retina. These lipids can cause your vision to deteriorate.  In the long run, this could even lead to complete loss of vision.

Garlic contains sulfur and powerful antioxidants that prevent the synthesis of both bad cholesterol and cholesterol in general.

How do you prepare garlic to take care of your eyesight?


You’ll need a tool called a garlic press for this, which is designed to squeeze garlic cloves through the small holes in it. With the small lever you can turn any garlic clove into a thick paste.

Of course you can also choose to use other tools, such as a cutting board or a mortar.


  • To benefit from the daily consumption of garlic, it is sufficient to consume one or two cloves of garlic.
  • Always eat the garlic cloves raw. When you fry garlic, it loses almost 90% of all its good properties.
  • You can also combine the garlic with a little lemon juice and olive oil.

How often should you include garlic in your diet this way?

Now that you know how good garlic can be for your eyesight, you have no more excuses not to just try to consume the bulbous plant as regularly as possible.

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