Cleanse Your Kidneys With This Onion Remedy

This onion remedy will detoxify your kidneys. In addition, it takes advantage of the diuretic and purgative abilities of parsley and lemon. Learn more about its many benefits and how to make it!
Cleanse Your Kidneys With This Onion Remedy

Your kidneys are the organs in  charge of filtering toxins from your blood through a complex detoxification process that ends with the excretion of urine. 

Keeping the kidneys working properly is  an important factor for your entire body  because it keeps your electrolytes and other nutrients in balance, among other things.

However, the problem is that sometimes they  have trouble doing their job well  because of certain bad habits. Problems can even arise that are serious enough to affect the quality of life.

You may not notice anything at first, but over time these habits will lead to a number of negative reactions that can manifest in all sorts of physical symptoms.

That’s why you need to  understand the importance of supporting your kidney’s detoxification process  by eating right and using natural treatments to enhance this process.

Below we will tell you about an exceptional treatment made with the use of onions. This remedy is able to strengthen this important organ and remove toxins.

Try it!

Home treatment with onions to cleanse your kidneys

Onion remedy for the kidneys

Onions have medicinal properties that have been used for centuries to maintain good kidney health.

They have  cleansing, antibiotic and diuretic powers  that strengthen this organ. Meanwhile, they also create a  protective barrier and protect you from free radicals and infections. 

The active ingredient in onions, allicin, gives them an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect. This ensures that your kidneys work as they should,  especially when there is an excess of toxins.

Along with the vitamins and minerals in onions, it helps  balance the fluids in your body while keeping  your electrolytes stable.

Some of the nutrients in onions are:

  • Vitamins (A, B complex, C and E)
  • Minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, silicon, phosphorus, copper and iodine)
  • anthocyanin
  • fiber

These substances  stop the cell damage caused by free radicals  and reduce the risk of diseases of old age in the long term.

How do you make this onion remedy?

This homemade onion remedy to cleanse your kidneys takes advantage of the above mentioned qualities of onions. In addition, it uses the diuretic effects of parsley and lemon.

It is a great help in  the elimination of toxins and inflammation. In addition, it is a detoxifying drink with a high nutritional value that strengthens the functioning of your kidneys.

It’s an antibacterial, astringent, and anti-inflammatory drink, and its ingredients help keep your kidneys in good shape. Meanwhile, it  cleanses your urinary tract and reduces the risk of inflammation. 


  • 2 liters of water
  • 2 raw onions
  • 3 sprigs parsley
  • The juice of 3 lemons


  • Put the two liters of water in a pan and heat it.
  • Meanwhile, peel and cut the onions into several pieces or slices.
  • Once the water is boiling, you can put it in a pot and add the onion pieces.
  • Then add the parsley and lemon juice and let  it rest for at least two hours. 
  • You can then strain the liquid.

How do you take this?

  • The two liters of onion water should be  taken in several servings per day, ideally in 5 or 6 times. 
  • Because it is a powerful diuretic, it is recommended to take this  three times a week, every other day. 
  • It can  be consumed 1 or 2 weeks in a row,  depending on the amount of detoxification your kidneys need.
  • During this cleanse, you should  limit sodium intake,  including the use of table salt, as it will not go along with the process.
  • It is also wise to avoid  saturated fat and sugar . These actually increase the toxins in your body.
  • Instead,  eat more fruits and vegetables,  especially those with a high water content.
  • You can also eat legumes, mushrooms and fish.

Contraindications to this onion remedy

  • Consuming this remedy can cause  unwanted reactions for people who suffer from excess stomach acid or stomach irritations.
  • It is not recommended for people with hypotension as it lowers blood pressure.
  • It is also not recommended for people with hypoglycemia,  as it lowers your sugar level. 

Are you ready to try this? If you don’t have any of the contraindications, you can make this onion remedy yourself and find out how good it is for your kidneys!



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