Apple Cider Vinegar To Cure Sinus Infection

A sinus infection and a cold have similar symptoms and so are often confused. However, because the treatments are different, it is important that you learn to distinguish your symptoms in order to manage them properly.
Apple cider vinegar to cure a sinus infection

What you think is a cold could in fact be a sinus infection. Breathing problems are always annoying. Not being able to breathe properly affects your daily life and can make you tired.

If you add in other symptoms like fever, headache, and runny nose, you may even have to stay in bed because you feel so weak.

For this you can use a wonderful gift from nature: apple cider vinegar. This vinegar has many health benefits, especially the raw, unpasteurized kind. We recommend that you always keep a bottle in your pantry.

So how exactly can it make a difference to a sinus infection? Read on for more information! First, let’s take a closer look at this condition and how it differs from a cold.

What is a sinus infection?

A sinus infection, more commonly known as sinusitis or sinus infection, is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses. It is classified as acute if it lasts a few days, and chronic if it lasts longer than 12 weeks.

This infection has several causes. Anatomically, it can be due to a deviated septum or enlarged turbinates – also known as concha nasalis.

  • Smoking, allergies and bacterial infections are also some of the causes of this condition.
  • A sinus infection is often confused with a cold. However, a sinus problem is much more complex.

cold vs. sinus infection

A woman with a sinus infection

Colds and sinus infections have several symptoms in common, such as:

  • running nose
  • fever
  • postnatal drip
  • headache
  • nasal congestion

However, the infection is more complex than the common cold. If you are not sure whether one or the other is bothering you, pay attention to the color of the discharge (phlegm), where the main difference lies.

  • When you have a cold, the discharge and mucus from the postnatal drip is clear and runny at first. On the other hand, sinusitis is characterized by thick and yellowish mucus formation.
  • In addition, the first condition lasts about three to ten days, while the second lasts more than ten days.
  • Furthermore, colds are caused by viruses while a sinus infection is due to bacteria. However, there are certainly cases where the latter is a complication of the former.

How do you treat a sinus infection with apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits. With it, you can treat conditions like heartburn, but you can even use it as a hair shine agent.

Believe it or not, apple cider vinegar is also particularly good for treating sinus infection. But how exactly does it work? Apple cider vinegar helps in the following ways, among other things:

  • cleaning the sinuses
  • prevents the growth of bacteria
  • thins mucus
  • strengthens the immune system

There are several remedies or homemade preparations that will help you get rid of a sinus infection in a short time. They are also very easy to make. These agents will make your breathing easier and will also prevent the infection from happening again.

Rinse with apple cider vinegar


  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 glass of water


  • Heat the water in a small pan. Don’t let it get too hot,  it just needs to be warm.
  • Pour the water into a glass and add the apple cider vinegar.
  • Stir well until the vinegar is well mixed with the water.


  • You will need a cotton ball, or a gauze bandage soaked in the mixture.
  • First clean your nasal passages with this. Do this very carefully. This will loosen the mucus that has accumulated in the nasal cavity.
  • Then clean well with the mixture.

This  will prevent the bacteria from building up,  which can aggravate the condition.

Steaming with apple cider vinegar


  • 125ml water
  • 125 ml apple cider vinegar

What should you do?

  • Combine the water and vinegar in a small saucepan.
  • Heat the mixture and remove it from the heat just before it starts to boil. Then leave it for a while.
  • Then pour it into a large bowl and hold your face over it, without burning your skin. Do not dip your face in the water, nor do you hover over it. Always keep a little distance.
  • Cover your head with a towel as you inhale the steam so that the steam cannot escape. Keep breathing deeply.

You can do this  two to three times a day. These steaming sessions will help you get rid of bacteria and clear your sinuses.

Apple cider vinegar decongestant

Apple cider vinegar in a bottle


  • 75 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • the juice of half a lemon
  • 3 tablespoons honey

What should you do?

  • Place the apple cider vinegar and lemon juice in a saucepan and bring to the boil.
  • Turn off the heat, then add the ginger, cayenne pepper and honey.
  • Stir it well and pour it into a glass jar.


  • Drink  two tablespoons of this remedy daily. This will help reduce inflammation, clear your nasal passages and weaken the infection.

Ask your doctor for advice

One of these natural remedies will relieve the symptoms of a sinus infection. You will soon feel better. As always, consult your doctor before starting any of these alternative treatments.

You must treat this and any other infection in time to avoid complications. Give these natural alternatives a try! Restore your breathing and quality of life thanks to apple cider vinegar!

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