A Flat Stomach With These Three Delicious Drinks!

Instead of fasting, to get a flat stomach it is important that you include foods and drinks in your breakfast that cause you to burn more fat.
A flat stomach with these three delicious drinks!

Both men and women are often concerned about eliminating that excess fat on their stomachs that is getting in the way of their goal of getting that  flat stomach they crave.

However, belly fat is not just an aesthetic problem. If you don’t try to do something about it as soon as possible, it can also cause health problems that can have serious consequences.

When you store more and more fat around your waist, the tissues in your body come under pressure and can become inflamed. If this problem becomes chronic, it can eventually lead to cardiovascular disease.

Belly fat will also ensure that your body gradually produces more and more cytokines. Cytokines are a type of protein that contribute to insulin resistance.

As you can see, the dream of a flat stomach should not only correspond to your desire to look good in the mirror. Keeping your waistline in shape and making changes to your diet is essential to your health.

That’s why we recommend that you start your day in the best way by drinking one of these three natural drinks.

1. Lemonade with mint for a flat stomach

Lemonade with mint for a flat stomach

One of the main reasons why it is difficult for many people to lose belly fat is their age. Like it or not,  the fact is that your metabolism slows down as the years go by.

  • Menopause can also have a lot to do with women. The drop in estrogen and progesterone means that fat accumulates more quickly around the abdomen and is more difficult to eliminate.
  • However, this does not have to be permanent at all. With the right diet you can also reach your goal later in life and have a flat stomach. So be determined and start by eliminating all processed foods from your diet and have this drink every morning with breakfast.
  • Thanks to the lemon, warm water and mint, this drink can help reduce inflammation and hydrate abdominal tissues.

The diuretic and slimming effect, together with the many antioxidants, ensure that this is a very powerful drink. The drink can help to:

  • to expel excess moisture.
  • speed up the metabolism.
  • remove toxins from the body.


  • 200 ml warm water (1 cup)
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 leaf of mint

How do you make this lemonade?

  • First, start by squeezing your lemon. Then use a mortar to crush the mint leaf. By crushing the leaf, it will add more flavor and you will get more of the many natural health benefits.
  • Then add the mint and lemon juice to a cup of warm water.
  • If the juice of a whole lemon is too strong for your stomach, you can also try using half a lemon.

Starting your day with this healthy drink can help you eliminate belly fat, resulting in a flat stomach.

2. Cranberry, Pineapple and Pear Juice

Cranberry and pineapple and pear juice for a flat stomach

This juice is not only delicious, but also super healthy. One of the main reasons why you should choose this drink is to regulate the level of cortisol in your blood. As you probably already know, cortisol is the stress hormone.

  • Some people lose weight when they experience a lot of stress and anxiety, while others gain weight. This is because cortisol has a different effect on each body.
  • However, the most common effect is that this hormone makes fat cells larger and more resilient, especially the fat around the waist. However, the combination of these three fruits can prevent this from happening.
  • Pineapple, for example, can not only help regulate cortisol production, but also contains bromelain, an enzyme that can help break down protein to aid digestion and reduce bloating.
  • Cranberries can help prevent a variety of infections. In combination with pear, these little berries are ideal to help calm the nerves and reduce anxiety. In addition, this combination will speed up your metabolism, making your belly healthier and flatter.


  • 10 cranberries
  • 125 gr pineapple
  • 1 pear
  • 200 ml water (1 cup)


  • First wash all ingredients. Then peel the pear and cut it into four pieces. Also cut the pineapple into pieces.
  • Then put all the ingredients together in the blender: the cranberries, the pineapple and the pear. Puree the ingredients and then mix in the cup of water.

Always drink this drink in the morning.

3. Black coffee

Black coffee for a flat stomach

Yes, something as simple as a cup of black coffee can help flatten your tummy and improve liver and heart health.

  • However, to take advantage of these properties, it is important that you do not add sugar, whole milk or cream.
  • Caffeine is great for speeding up your metabolism thanks to its thermogenic effect. It can help burn more calories, reduce hunger and provide the body with a ton of powerful antioxidants.

We are sure that you will enjoy drinking a delicious cup of black coffee with your breakfast.

Remember though: Just one cup, no more, is a natural medicine for your arteries and brain and can help eliminate dangerous belly fat.

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