7 Dangerous Symptoms Every Woman Should Recognize

Insufficient sleep can affect your health as your body does not get enough rest and is therefore unable to properly eliminate toxins. Your cognitive functions will also suffer.
7 Dangerous Symptoms Every Woman Should Recognize

Sometimes the stress we experience from our daily obligations distracts us from dangerous symptoms that indicate what is really going on in our bodies.

To prevent this from leading to serious health problems, we will discuss some dangerous symptoms in this article . Dangerous symptoms that every woman should keep in mind.

Be alert, but don’t be afraid of dangerous symptoms

It is absolutely not our intention to alarm you. We just want to inform you about important information about certain diseases and the dangerous symptoms that come with them.

In addition, we hope to make you aware of how important it is to take good care of yourself. After all, this increases the chance of being able to enjoy good health for a long time.

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, learning to control your emotions and having healthy lifestyle habits are the basic elements of your overall sense of well-being.

Frequent urination

Urge to Pee

Do you constantly feel the urge to go to the toilet? Frequent urination is a common occurrence in women and can be a clear symptom of an infection.

Sometimes it is easy to get into the habit of treating a urinary tract infection at home. For example, with the antibiotics that we have at home.

However, we strongly recommend that you do not do this and first make an appointment with your doctor.

The causes

A urinary tract infection can have a variety of causes. Only your doctor is able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Of course you can use some simple natural home remedies, but it is wise to avoid self-medication. It is especially important to find out what is causing the urinary tract infection. In some cases, a urinary tract infection can be an indication of a more serious illness that needs to be treated.

Stomach ache

Stomach ache

How often do you suffer from abdominal pain per month? Abdominal pain seems quite normal. Yet it can actually be one of the dangerous symptoms. So you should never overlook it. Maybe you’re just experiencing premenstrual cramps or your abdominal pain is simply a sign of constipation or gastritis.

Either way, it’s important to find out the cause of your abdominal pain.

persistent cough

A sore throat

Cough can be a sign of a cold. Often this is caused by hoarseness or triggered by throat problems due to long exposure to air conditioning. Usually you only have a temporary cough and this is completely harmless.

Persistent cough can be caused by many things:

  • sore throat,
  • polyps,
  • allergies etc.

But they can also be more serious illnesses that require immediate medical treatment.

Are you out of breath?


For example, when you go up the stairs at home, do you notice that you get out of breath faster every day? What could be causing this? You probably tell yourself that there is nothing wrong, that women often have those days when they feel more tired than usual. You don’t think much of it and then the days just go by.

However, be careful. Shortness of breath is one of the dangerous symptoms, which should always be observed.

Heart problems?

Often, shortness of breath can be associated with heart problems. In addition, if you also suffer from tachycardia, chest pain or swelling in the hands and feet, see a doctor right away.

Statistics indicate that when women experience symptoms that may be related to their heart, they are less likely to go to the doctor than men. This is one of the reasons why the number of women dying from heart disease has been increasing in recent years.

Try to break this bad pattern and just make an appointment with your doctor!


anxiety attacks

Some people suffer from constant anxiety or stress for extended periods of time that they are unable to control properly. However, it can take months or even years before they finally decide to make an appointment with a psychologist.

The whole body is affected when stress and anxiety rule your life. Heartburn, indigestion, trouble sleeping, tachycardia, high blood pressure are just a few examples.


Counting sheep

How often do you suffer from insomnia? Is it just mild insomnia or is it chronic? Be aware that insufficient sleep has a negative influence on your entire body.

Keep in mind the following:

  • Your immune system gets weaker.
  • Your body is not able to eliminate toxins in the normal way.
  • Cognitive functions can also deteriorate.
  • You can get holes in your memory.
  • You will suffer from reduced concentration and much more.

What causes it?

Insomnia is a true enemy of your health and it is especially important that you find out why it is bothering you.  Is there an emotional problem? Do you suffer from pain? Consult your doctor and try to find ways that will help you sleep better at night.

Strange new moles

Examining Birthmarks

It is important that you never overlook the appearance of new moles on the skin.

You probably know this, but people today generally expose themselves to the sun much more than before. This is one of the main reasons why skin cancer is becoming more common. In addition, exposure to the sun causes many other health problems.

protect yourself

You can protect yourself from UV rays by wearing a sun cream or makeup, avoiding sun exposure between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. when the sun is at its highest, and most importantly, by taking care of your skin. keep an eye on.

Watch your body, take care of yourself and improve the quality of your life every day. The dangerous symptoms we’ve covered in this article could potentially be very dangerous.

Your health is worth keeping a close eye on these symptoms and treating them right away if you do experience them.

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