The Best Yoga Poses For Beginners

Do you know the best yoga poses to start with and discover your true yoga talent?
The best yoga poses for beginners

Are you going to do a new sport? Then it can help to take precautions so that you don’t injure yourself. For a good start in yoga, it is important to know the best yoga poses for beginners.

Sometimes we think fitness is only for thin, young people with flexible bodies. However, yoga provides an  excellent workout, suitable for everyone. It does not matter:

  • how old are you
  • what is your physical condition
  • how much you weigh

This thousand-year-old yoga art can be very beneficial for your health. That’s why it’s good to know how to get the most out of it from day one. This makes the process you go through much nicer.

Yoga has been bringing people peace and relaxation for many years

Yoga poses for beginners: start at the beginning

During your first yoga class, you may feel clumsy or nervous. Avoid this by remembering one thing. Namely that not everything will always go perfectly right away. Everything goes step by step.

Remember, though, that you will soon have small victories as well.

To practice at home, before class, we recommend a number of yoga poses for beginners. These help you get started better prepared.

1. Mountain Pose, or  Tadasana

The mountain pose is perfect for beginners

This is a perfect pose to learn to discover yoga.

  • Put your legs and feet together. Make sure your heels are slightly apart.
  • Place your palms together and rest them at chest level. Keep your back and head as straight as possible.
  • Relax your shoulders, keep breathing slowly and slowly raise your arms above your head. Difficulty concentrating? Then close your eyes.

Want to stretch yourself even further? Then lift your heels and balance on the tips of your toes.

2. Warrior Pose, aka  Virabhadrasana

The warrior pose helps you find your balance

This pose helps you find your balance as you stretch from your neck to your pelvis.

  • First, stand up straight and place your right leg in front of you, knee slightly bent.
  • Keep your left leg as straight as possible.
  • Place your hands on your sides, at waist level.
  • Simultaneously raise your arms until they are above your head. Now gently rest your head on your neck.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.

3. Tree Pose, aka  Vrksasana

The tree pose requires concentration and balance
  • You start this pose the same way you do mountain pose: legs and feet together and your palms at chest height.
  • Relax your shoulders and focus on one point. This can be anything like a mirror, painting or stain on the wall.
  • Then shift your full weight to your right leg.
  • Now slowly raise your left leg. Rest the sole of your left foot on the inside of your right thigh.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds and then switch legs.

If you are doing this for the first time, it may be difficult to keep your balance. Therefore, stay focused on that one place you are looking at.

4. Cat Pose, aka  Marjarysana

The cat pose is all about flexibility

This basic pose helps you relax your neck and back muscles. The flexibility of your spine will also increase. In this pose you use both your arms and legs.

  • Start with your palms, knees and toes on the floor or a yoga mat.
  • Rest your head on your neck while simultaneously stretching your back.
  • After a few seconds, reverse the movement. Lower your head and arch your back toward the ceiling.
  • Repeat this slowly about 10 times.

5. Triangle Pose , aka  Trikonasana

The triangle pose is an excellent basic pose

The triangle pose is also considered one of the best yoga poses for beginners.

  • Stand up straight and spread your legs wider than your shoulders.
  • Your feet are pointing straight ahead and parallel to each other.
  • Then shift your weight to your right leg and raise your left arm up to the sky as straight as possible.
  • Then place your right hand on your knee, and bend your upper body to the right.
  • Once you are in balance, turn your head so that you look at your left hand as it floats in the air.

Stay in this position for a few seconds. Then slowly return to your starting position and do the same, but in the other direction.

6. The Downward Dog, aka  Adho Mukhva Svanasana

Downward dog is our next basic pose

This beginner pose can help stretch your shoulders, calves, and thighs, as well as strengthen your legs and arms.

  • Place your palms and soles on your yoga mat or the floor.
  • Keep your back straight and raise your hips. Now bend your upper body over your legs to form a triangle. Make sure your head is level with your shoulders and you are facing your knees.
  • Are you doing this for the first time? Then place your heels against a wall.
  • Release all tension in your neck. Breathe in and out slowly and stretch deeply.

7. The Fish Pose, or Matsyasana

The last of our beginner yoga poses can help you breathe better and stretch your neck and back.

  • Lie on your back and extend your legs.
  • Place your hands under your thighs, palms down.
  • First, lean on your elbows and lift your upper body.
  • After that, rest your head on your neck and place your forehead on the floor.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply 5 times and slowly return to your starting position. 

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