The Best Workouts For Pregnant Women

Today’s article discusses the many health benefits of doing certain exercises while you are pregnant. You should follow proper guidelines and choose suitable exercises. Read on to learn more about it.
The best workouts for pregnant women

Many people believed that all forms of training were unsuitable for pregnant women because it could endanger the development of the fetus. However, a series of studies recently confirmed the opposite.

Certain exercises can even help promote labor. In addition, they can help to prevent certain pathologies and complaints during pregnancy.

This includes pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure during pregnancy, but also problems such as back pain and sore legs.

Suitable training forms for pregnant women

Before discussing the specific recommendations, it is important to note that they should all be individualized. In other words, a pregnant woman should consider her own condition and experience before embarking on an exercise routine.

This is mainly because what is good for one person can harm another. This is especially true if the woman leads a sedentary life or already suffers from a certain condition. Therefore, always consult your doctor first, so that he or she can give advice that is tailored to your specific needs.

Aqua sports

A woman in a swimming pool

Let’s start with swimming, as this is one of the most recommended workouts for pregnant women. We don’t limit ourselves to just swimming, but pretty much any activity you can do in a pool. These moves can strengthen your dorsal and lumbar muscles (Spanish link) as well as help reduce back pain.

Kegel exercises

Professionals also strongly recommend training the pelvic floor muscles by doing Kegel exercises. Strengthening the pelvic floor is very helpful during pregnancy as it can help facilitate labour. These exercises are also great for reducing urinary incontinence.

Cardiovascular training forms

A sedentary lifestyle has many negative consequences for everyone. For this reason, pregnant women can benefit greatly from moderate cardiovascular exercise (Spanish link). For them, walks and cycling on an exercise bike are highly recommended.

Weight training

These are the most controversial training forms for pregnant women. However, a study published in the Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte (Spanish link) states that they can ease labor and aid recovery.

In addition, the researchers noted that a range of discomforts that often occur during pregnancy decrease when you train certain muscle groups. For example, low back pain. It is therefore good to train the abdominal and hip muscles, without overdoing it.

  • Keep in mind that you should not use free weights and avoid heavy resistance. Only use devices designed for this purpose or suitable for pregnant women.
  • You can also limit yourself to using elastic or resistance bands to reduce the risk of injury.
  • In addition, opt for shorter sets with more repetitions.

Exercises that pregnant women should avoid

Exercising during pregnancy can have many health benefits. Some forms of exercise are not suitable for pregnant women and can be risky and lead to complications. Doctors recommend avoiding any activity that could traumatize the fetus such as:

  • contact sports such as football, basketball and volleyball.
  • sports with a high risk of falling, such as skiing, cycling, horseback riding and climbing.
  • demanding activities that significantly increase the heart rate such as marathons, spinning classes and bodybuilding.

General Exercise Considerations for Pregnant Women

A pregnant woman doing yoga

As we mentioned above, a pregnant woman should be aware of her pregnancy and its advice before embarking on an exercise routine. Women who have so far led a sedentary lifestyle should be especially careful. The same goes for anyone with a chronic condition.

A study published in Revista de Clínica e Investigación en Ginecología y Obstetricia (Spanish link) concludes that exercise reduces the risk of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. The study also finds that swimming reduces the incidence of preterm births.

There is still insufficient evidence about possible complications that can arise from practicing training forms for pregnant women. However, you must be selective about the type of activities you perform during this phase.


Finally, keep in mind that exercise is good for everyone, both physically and mentally. So you should forget about the myth that pregnant women should not exercise, because it will only lead to negative consequences.

The most recommended forms of exercise for pregnant women are swimming and cycling on an exercise bike. These movements have a low impact and help you to strengthen your muscles. Do them in moderation and always consider your specific circumstances and any health concerns.

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