Ten Reasons To Follow The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most science-backed diets in terms of health benefits. In this article, you can discover ten reasons to follow it.
Ten reasons to follow the Mediterranean diet

Following the Mediterranean diet is one of the best options for people who want to maintain their ideal weight while also staying healthy.

What is so special about this diet? We invite you to read on to discover how this diet is good for your health.

The Mediterranean Diet

This diet not only consists of a series of recommendations, but it is much more than that. It is therefore associated with a balanced lifestyle and is part of the authentic cultural heritage of the peoples of the Mediterranean. On November 16, 2010, it was even declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of:

  • Spain
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Morocco

What Foods Make Up the Mediterranean Diet?

If you follow the Mediterranean diet, you can eat all kinds of foods. However, it is based on the famous food pyramid, which is the basis for the foods that should be eaten daily or weekly and the foods that you should eat only occasionally.

The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest diets in existence as it promotes the intake of healthy and balanced foods.

Different types of healthy food

Foods you should eat every day

  • Grains, such as pasta, rice and bread. Experts recommend 30 grams of bread per day and between 60 and 80 grams of pasta and rice per day.
  • Fruits and vegetables. The food pyramid indicates that people should eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, which is equivalent to 120-180 grams of fruit and between 150 and 200 grams of vegetables.
  • Half a liter of water a day.
  • A glass of milk or two cups of yogurt.
  • One tablespoon of raw extra virgin olive oil.
  • Seasonings such as onions and raw garlic.

Foods you should eat every week

  • Fish
  • Lean meat
  • Red meat (experts recommend one serving per week)
  • Eggs, two to four servings a week
  • Legumes and potatoes (experts recommend eating these three times a week)

Foods you should only eat occasionally

  • Pastry
  • cakes
  • Sweets
  • Sugar
  • Juices and sugary soft drinks

Ten Things That Motivate You To Follow The Mediterranean Diet

1. It is considered one of the best diets based on scientific evidence

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the most scientifically backed diets when it comes to health benefits.

The scientific community has been interested in this for a while, mainly because of its medicinal role in various diseases related to chronic inflammation  such as:

  • metabolic syndrome
  • diabetes
  • heart and vascular disease
  • neurodegenerative diseases
  • cancer

The Mediterranean diet has been extensively researched for its health benefits. So it can even help to prevent and treat various diseases.

2. It Increases Good Cholesterol Levels

According to researchers from the Obesity and Nutrition Center of Biomedical Research Network (CIBERobn) and from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), the Mediterranean diet helps the particles that carry the so-called good cholesterol work properly. This good cholesterol  helps prevent blockages in the arteries.

3. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Research has shown that heart disease is less common in Mediterranean countries due to the high amount of beneficial nutrients in traditional Mediterranean recipes.

4. It reduces the risk of breast cancer, heart attacks and strokes

A study has shown that the Mediterranean diet has a good effect on the body. For example, it can help to:

  • reduce circulatory problems by 66%.
  • reduce heart attacks and strokes by 30%.
  • reduce the risk of breast cancer by 68%.

5. The Mediterranean Diet Fights Major Depression

Mediterranean diet can help with severe depression

A team of scientists from Deakin University Australia has conducted a series of tests that have shown that the Mediterranean diet can fight certain major depression.

Thus, following the Mediterranean diet can contribute to the prevention and treatment of depression. Healthy food has a positive effect on brain chemistry.

6. It increases longevity

People who follow the Mediterranean diet tend to live longer because it promotes life expectancy and also slows down the aging process. This is due to the fact that the diet consists of foods rich in antioxidants and high-quality nutrients.

7. It is suitable for obese people

This diet avoids eating convenience foods and ultra-processed products. These products often contain a lot of sugar and saturated fats. Also, very little fat is used in the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, this is a good option to tackle obesity.

8. It Helps Prevent Mental Decline

Leafy greens prevent cell breakdown because they are high in antioxidants. Eating at least one serving of these vegetables per day helps slow down cognitive decline due to aging, according to a study published in the journal Neurology.

9. It helps people reach their ideal weight

A woman is standing on a scale

The Mediterranean diet is varied and low in calories. If you combine it with exercise, you will be able to reach your ideal weight. Fighting obesity also reduces the risk of many diseases that worsen when a person is out of shape.

Unlike ‘miracle diets’, the Mediterranean diet helps people achieve their ideal weight without causing any negative effects. It also promotes the prevention of diseases related to overweight or obesity.

10. Following the Mediterranean diet is good for the environment

One of the basic elements of the Mediterranean diet is the consumption of fresh and seasonal foods. This is good for the environment as it encourages proper use of natural resources.

After reading these ten reasons, are you ready to give the Mediterranean diet a try? Take advantage of the delicious seasonal fruits and vegetables to put these tips into practice!

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