What We Can Learn From Little Children

Little kids can be great teachers for adults. Watch your child and learn to live life to the fullest.
What we can learn from small children

As parents, we are used to teaching our children how to behave, how to handle emotions and a thousand other things. But have you ever thought about what we can learn from small children?

Children, of course, are excellent teachers who can help us connect better with ourselves. In this article, we invite you to discover what children can teach us. You will see how their honest outlook on life can help you find happiness. So don’t miss it!

What we can learn from small children

1. Carpe diem: live in the present

What we can learn from children is to live in the present

Little children don’t worry about tomorrow or yesterday. All that exists for them is the present and that is great! So try to forget everything for a while. Enjoy today, without thinking about what you should have done yesterday or what problems you will face tomorrow. Live in the present with the same joy that children experience.

2. Ask for help

Small children are not afraid to ask someone for help. They even do this very easily! But when was the last time you asked someone for help? Needing other people is no reason to be ashamed.

Remember this the next time you feel like the world is weighing heavily on your shoulders. Take your child’s example and just ask for help!

3. Playing is not a waste of time

Play with your kids

Another thing we can learn from little kids is that play is important. Enjoying playful activities is a way to connect with yourself, opening yourself up to creativity and fun. So don’t hesitate to take advantage of the time you spend playing with your child, it will do you both good!

4. Say what you feel

Children are first and foremost honest, even if it may hurt someone. Of course, you should always be careful not only with what you say, but also with how you say it. However, learning to express what you feel is a lesson not to be forgotten.

5. Surprise yourself with everything around you

Look at the world through the eyes of your children and let yourself be enchanted by, for example, a rainbow. Enjoy the wind and laugh in the rain. Let your child guide you so that you can experience these everyday moments as something new and surprising that will make you smile as if it were the first time.

6. Learn to forgive

Small children mean no harm. Because they live in the present, they do not hold a grudge about what happened yesterday. On the contrary, they simply forget. It’s a continuous clean slate.

This doesn’t mean you have to fall into the same pitfalls over and over, but rather that forgiving from the heart may be what you need to recover. However, do it for yourself – not for the one who needs your forgiveness.

7. Hug, kiss and love

Hug your child

Undoubtedly, another important lesson we can learn from little children is not to hide our affection from others. If you feel it, don’t hesitate to express the healing power of a hug or kiss. Also, never hesitate to tell the other how much you love him or her.

8. Dream big is what we can learn from little kids

Have you ever asked a child what they want to be when they grow up, or what they would invent if they could? The answers can be totally unexpected because children dream big. Nothing is too strange, crazy or impossible. Act like your child and let your imagination run wild!

9. Pretend to be invincible

Teaching small children to become more confident is one of life’s great lessons. When children play, they pretend to be superheroes, astronauts or knights.

They fight all kinds of imaginary battles and always come out on top. Feel invincible, believe in yourself and don’t be defeated by adversity.

10. Ask questions about everything

Don’t accept it when someone tells you that “that’s just how it is.” Be like a little kid and let yourself think outside the box. Inquire about what you think is wrong without fear of what people will say to you. Ask questions without shame.

11. Learn from little kids and laugh more, just like them

Laughing more is something we can learn from children

It doesn’t matter if it makes sense to laugh or not. Just enjoy life, play, dance and sing out loud, even if it’s out of tune. Look for the reasons to laugh and take advantage of them as your children do.

12. Worrying avoidance is something we can learn from little kids

There’s no point in worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet and may never happen. Small children do not worry precisely because they live in the present. Put your worries aside and live more freely.

13. Learn from little children and don’t judge

Little children have no prejudices. They just want to play and have fun. Therefore, learn from children not to judge someone by clothing, skin color or religion. It’s exactly what you need to be happier and more empathetic!

14. Face your fears

Face your fears

Have you ever thought about how many fears little children have to face every day? Be a bit like your child and forget your fears, let yourself go and enjoy new adventures.

15. Fail….then fail again

Your children learn from their mistakes… time and again. Their lives are full of trial and error, where giving up is not an option. How many times have you watched your little ones try and do something over and over until they finally succeed? Follow their lead!

16. Give in to impulses

With an impulse we don’t mean crying and kicking, but just letting yourself have something good every now and then. Eat that pizza you wanted instead of a salad. Or instead of cleaning the bathroom, play with the trains with your children. Nothing bad will happen if you break ‘the rules’ for a day.

There are many things we can learn from little children. We need to apply them every day to be more creative, more open, more empathetic and most importantly, happier. Let’s start with this today!

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