8 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

Losing weight isn’t just about healthy eating. Sufficient sleep and good hydration are also basic elements in weight loss. Discover in this article reasons why your weight loss struggle is so difficult.

There are a number of other factors that influence your weight and may be the reason why you are not losing weight. 

For many people, losing weight is a continuous struggle. They often do this not only to look better, but also to improve their health. For example, consider obesity.

It has been proven that a healthy diet and sufficient sport and exercise are two basic elements when it comes to losing weight, but there is more that you need to do.

This explains why some people are unable to maintain their ideal weight despite their healthy diet with limited calorie intake.

If you recognize yourself in the description above, know that you are not alone. In this article we will discuss 8 important reasons why you are not losing weight.

1. You are not drinking enough water

Most nutritionists recommend drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day in addition to a healthy diet. Your body needs water to stay hydrated and keep its important functions working properly.

Drinking enough water every day ensures that the body can clean itself and it also takes away the feeling of hunger. 

2. You only do cardio

Cardio exercises are very effective for people who want to burn fat quickly. However, by limiting yourself to just this type of exercise, you may make it more difficult for yourself to reach your goal.

Personal trainers recommend that you always combine cardio with strength training if you want to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time.

3. One of the reasons you’re not losing weight: your portions are too big

You may eat healthy, but every type of food contains calories. So if you eat too large portions, you also have to burn more calories.

Nuts, olive oil and chocolate are examples of healthy foods that you should always consume in small portions.

4. You’re Not Sleeping Enough

People who do not enjoy a restful night’s sleep gain more weight than people who do sleep well.

Sleep disturbances disrupt metabolism and activate the hormones leptin and ghrelin, causing you to experience a feeling of hunger. Leptin ensures that your brain receives a signal to stop eating, while ghrelin stimulates the feeling of hunger.

People with sleep problems or lack of sleep should increase their leptin levels and reduce gherlin levels to control their weight. It is recommended to maintain a regular sleeping pattern and get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day. 

5. You have a sedentary profession

Due to technological changes, many of us today have sedentary jobs. Because we spend more and more hours and hours behind a computer or other device, we move less and less.

To keep our metabolism in order, it is important to take regular short breaks and to walk and/or exercise during this break

6. You have a hormonal problem

Hormonal problems are one of the most common obstacles to losing weight.

While many don’t pay attention to it, hormones can affect metabolism and other processes vital to maintaining a healthy weight. Hormonal problems such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome, and insulin resistance can keep you from losing pounds.

When one of these problems is present, it is advisable to consult a doctor, as specific treatment is needed to control the symptoms. Once diagnosed, it’s also a good idea to improve your eating habits and rethink your calorie intake.

7. Why not lose weight? You are always stressed!

Stress is one of the reasons why you don't lose weight

Stress has a significant impact on weight loss. It raises cortisol levels, which makes you feel more hungry and consume more calories.

8. You drink soft drinks

Soft drinks and prepared drinks that you find in supermarkets are not good substitutes for water and self-pressed fruit juice. The drinks in the supermarket contain no nutrients and far too much sugar.

These drinks also do not hydrate your body and contain a lot of calories. 

Do you recognize yourself in this article? As you just read, in addition to healthy diet and exercise, there are many factors that jeopardize your ideal weight. Try to figure out why you’re not losing weight, what steps to take, and remember to keep moving and eating healthy.

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