Rehabilitation Of The Knee After Meniscus Surgery

The rehabilitation process after meniscus surgery should start almost immediately. It is not recommended to delay care and recovery exercises. This can compromise the mobility of the knee.
Rehabilitation of the knee after meniscus surgery

Rehabilitation of the knee after meniscus surgery is a process that can take weeks. This will depend on the patient’s health and the type of injury they have.

The main objective of rehabilitation is to regain the usefulness of the joint. After all, the articular cartilage has to adapt to a life without a meniscus.

This period is very important for athletes. The reason is that it allows them to do their sports activity again without getting any problems. In addition, it plays a key role in restoring the firmness and strength of the muscles. This prevents the development of complications or new injuries.

It is normal for patients to have some questions before starting this phase of treatment. That is why you need to clarify what rehabilitation is all about and when it will start.

Why do injuries occur in the meniscus?

The meniscus is the slice of cartilage located between the femur and shin bone. It provides flexibility and rotation to the knee. The meniscus also helps stabilize the joint. In addition, it facilitates a correct distribution of body weight.

The most common meniscus problem is caused by twisting or poor support. However, it can also be the result of a degenerative condition that gets worse over time.

What is meniscus surgery?

What is a meniscus surgery

Surgical methods involving the knee have evolved over time. It is done, among other things, by performing ‘open’ surgical procedures. However, it is more common that the operation is performed by means of an arthroscopy. This is part of the techniques classified as ‘minimally invasive’.

This modern procedure reduces the risk of infection by 50% and ensures a faster recovery. How is this applied? The doctor uses local anesthetic or anesthetic in the spine. Then he makes an incision in the knee. The doctor then inserts an arthroscope.

This surgical instrument is the size of a pencil. This shows the extent of the damage by means of a small camera. Once they determine it, the doctor uses other surgical instruments to remove or repair the damaged part of the meniscus.

What is the purpose of knee rehabilitation?

We know that the knee is a complex and sensitive structure. Therefore, it is essential to consider a full process of rehabilitation after the performance of meniscus surgery. Neglecting this recovery may expose the knee to new problems.

In general, these are the goals of knee rehabilitation:

  • Stimulate blood flow to speed up the recovery process.
  • Relieving joint stiffness. This stiffness occurs as a side effect of immobility.
  • Prevent muscle atrophy and weakening caused by inactivity.

When should knee rehabilitation start?

Knee rehabilitation should start immediately after meniscus surgery. This should be done as soon as possible after the procedure.

It is essential to apply some exercises and care already. Those will be decisive for the recovery. Knee rehabilitation exercises should be started 24 hours after the procedure.

The rehabilitation plan after meniscus surgery

The knee has therefore undergone a procedure such as is the case with an arthroscopy. Then it is fundamental that one follows a rehabilitation plan for the joint. This additional treatment should be done gradually. It also depends on the baseline and progress of each patient.

These aspects also have a lot to do with the time required for the rehabilitation of the meniscus. With regard to an inner meniscus, the rehabilitation can therefore take 3 to 5 weeks. However, rehabilitation can also be extended to 7 weeks if it concerns the outer meniscus.

Care after surgery

The first steps in knee rehabilitation begin just after surgery. It includes both the care and temporary adjustments that allow to reduce the inflammation. This should be done before any attempts to restore joint mobility.

These adjustments are:

  • Keep the knee up.
  • Cool the affected area with ice.
  • Using analgesic and anti-inflammatory medications to relieve the pain.
  • Use crutches to avoid putting weight on the operated knee.

Knee Rehabilitation Exercises

Knee Rehabilitation Exercises

Much of knee rehabilitation is done through exercise. These are performed under the supervision of a physiotherapist. These activities are designed to help the knee heal. They also help to return to activities that were prevented by the injury.

When people perform rehabilitation, it is important to consider a number of aspects:

  • The training program should be accompanied by other therapeutic and preventive measures.
  • One should also adapt the activities to the type of injury and the surgery performed.
  • The training plan contains a series of stages where it is not possible to progress without first achieving some goals. One will therefore have to personalize these stages on the basis of age, physical condition and possible illnesses of the patient.
  • Finally, it will take several weeks before the patient can perform high-intensity workouts. During the first 6 weeks, the patient will not be able to crawl or bend or kneel.

We mentioned it before: the rehabilitation period differs per patient. A doctor must therefore take into account that not all patients respond in the same way to the exercises and the developed therapies.

However, it is certain that the recovery will take much less time if the procedure is performed by arthroscopy and not by means of a traditional surgical procedure.

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