All About The Preparation Of Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is a natural product with components that help treat the symptoms of a cold. What other benefits does it offer? How is it prepared? Discover it here!
Everything about the preparation of elderberry syrup

Elderberry syrup is a preparation of the fruits of the elderberry bush. The elder (Sambucus nigra) is a shrub that is between four and five meters high. It has brownish leaves and yellow-green flowers. The fruit is dark, violet, almost black in color.

Traditional botany uses its leaves, flowers and fruits for medicinal purposes. Elderberry syrup was particularly used to treat respiratory ailments. What other uses does it have? What does the preparation of elderberry syrup involve? Keep reading!

Benefits of Elderberry Syrup

Experts have yet to determine the chemical composition of the plant, flowers and fruits of the elderberry. However, they have identified several nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins) and compounds, which are as follows:

  • Alkaloids
  • Citric acid
  • Flavonoids
  • Polyphenols
  • Cyanogen glycoside (cyanide producer)

The most common use of elderberry syrup is as an excipient to combat various respiratory symptoms. For example, when:

  • An increase is in the secretion of the mucous membranes.
  • Stuffy nose.
  • Asthma attacks.
  • laryngitis.
  • Cough.

Several studies have attempted to demonstrate the effectiveness of this preparation for the treatment of various diseases. Indeed, studies showed that patients with flu symptoms, given daily doses of the product, showed signs of improvement even without other types of medication.

Other studies suggest that this plant may also be useful as a cold support remedy. People who had to make continental air travel and consumed elderberry extract were, on average, less likely to get a cold.

In addition, the duration of the symptoms, as well as the intensity of the symptoms, was significantly shorter. Recent research has also found antibacterial, antiviral, antitumor, anti-lipid and even antidepressant properties in elderberries.

Thus, experts expect this plant and its fruit to have potential as an adjunct to the treatment of diabetes, obesity, various metabolic disorders and even urinary system problems.

Precautions Regarding Elderberry Syrup Consumption

Girl with bunch of berries

As we mentioned, elderberry syrup seems not only effective, but also safe and even beneficial for the treatment of various diseases. However, science has yet to confirm all these findings through more extensive studies. In addition, they have yet to assess the risks and possible side effects.

In this sense, you should be careful when using elderberry syrup and do not exceed the indicated doses. Higher doses can have dramatic effects, as elderberries, for example, are also a strong laxative and potent diuretic. You should therefore never combine it with other medicines that have similar effects.

Eating the unripe berries or uncooked flowers can also cause nausea, vomiting and even severe intoxication. Both the bark and seeds, and the fruits if they are green, contain substances known as lectins, which can cause stomach problems.

At the same time, keep in mind that the branches, leaves, roots and seeds are potentially poisonous due to the above-mentioned cyanogenic glycoside. People with allergies may develop a skin rash or respiratory problems after consuming a product containing elderberry or simply by coming into contact with the plant.

Elderberry is not recommended for children and adolescents, pregnant women or nursing mothers. While there is no data to show that it is dangerous, there is also no data to confirm that it is safe to eat. Therefore, avoid products with elderberries if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Preparation of elderberry syrup

Cup with the juice of elderberries

On the one hand, you can buy ready-made elderberry syrup. However, it is relatively easy to make. Due to the effects we mentioned in the previous section, it is of course essential to be careful at the time of preparing the elderberry syrup.

The main ingredient is the elderberries, which can be fresh or dried. For example, you can buy the dried elderberries at the market or from an herbalist.

Or you can pick your own fresh elderberries from a field, as long as you can identify the plant and the ripe fruit. You should also take precautions in this regard, because there are other plant species that are much simpler, but poisonous.


  • 400 grams dry berries (2 cups)
  • 1 liter of water (4 cups)
  • 250 grams of honey (1 cup)
  • 20 grams of ginger root can be in powder form
  • Cinnamon, vanilla or cardamom to taste.
  • Optionally, you can add a cup of alcoholic drink, such as vodka. Although this should not be done if the syrup is for children.

Process of preparation

  • First, bring the berries, ginger and cinnamon (vanilla or cardamom) to the boil over the fire along with the water. Preferably in a ceramic or glass jar.
  • Once it boils, reduce the heat and let it sit on low for 45 minutes.
  • Then take it off and let it stand until it cools down.
  • Then strain it with a soft cloth.
  • Then mix the resulting liquid with the honey and optionally with the alcoholic drink.
  • Finally, store the product in a sterilized glass bottle and store it in a cool and dry place.

Use elderberry syrup in moderation

A number of natural products and recipes have traditional uses that have no scientific verification. This is not the case with elderberry syrup, as research has already recognized its virtues and properties.

Still, it is a product that you should use in moderation, because in excess it can have counterproductive effects. In addition, it should only be an adjunct in calming the symptoms of illness, as it is not yet considered a first-line treatment.

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