The Many Benefits Of Nutmeg

Nutmeg has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Discover other scientifically proven benefits of nutmeg here!
The many benefits of nutmeg

Today we will tell you more about the nutmeg benefits that science has established. Nutmeg is a spice from Indonesia that has medicinal properties.

People often use this spice in gastronomy as it enhances the taste of many recipes. While many prefer to grate it over meals, others enjoy drinking it as a tea.

Among other things, this spice is rich in vitamins and also contains minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, iron and potassium. So it is quite nutritious, apart from the health claims we will discuss below.

The benefits of nutmeg

Nutmeg has the property that it can help to combat various problems such as:

  • hyperlipidemia
  • hyperglycemia
  • damage to heart tissue
  • hepatotoxicity

Although most studies confirming these facts were conducted in mice, experts observed efficient liver protection. While the evidence is still limited, some researchers believe that nutmeg has properties that may protect the liver.

In addition, due to its monoterpene content, it may also have a protective effect against heart disease. These compounds have anticoagulant properties and protect against problems such as thrombosis.

The benefits of nutmeg

It can help relieve gout symptoms

Other benefits of nutmeg include its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Nutmeg can help relieve joint swelling and relieve pain from chronic inflammation such as gout.

Experts have conducted studies regarding this fact on mice, so they need to conduct further studies to analyze this effect in humans. However, its anti-inflammatory properties were confirmed.

You can use nutmeg as an exfoliant

In this regard, combining nutmeg powder with honey can result in an effective way to treat certain skin conditions. You can apply the resulting product as a natural exfoliant that removes dead skin cells and oil build-up.

In addition, you can make masks against acne with this product. Its antiseptic and regenerative effects make it an ideal spice to exfoliate the skin of your face.

Nutmeg can be toxic at high doses

Excessive consumption of this spice (from one to three nuts) can cause adverse side effects. The volatile oils it contains, which consist of alkylbenzene derivatives, terpenes and myristic acid. These can cause various complaints such as:

  • nausea
  • hallucinations
  • inflammation
  • shock

Therefore, it is important to consume nutmeg in moderation to reap the benefits without suffering from the potential side effects.

In some cases, excessive intake can also lead to relaxing sensations similar to those of cannabis. However, an overdose usually causes dehydration and widespread pain. The effects last more than 24 hours and can even exceed 36 hours.

In addition, it is not clear which of the compounds has greater toxicity. In this regard, some experts believe that myristicin can be oxidized into a water-soluble metabolite of amphetamine.

Shapes of Nutmeg

The benefits of nutmeg

Nutmeg is available in the market whole, as well as ground nutmeg and as an essential oil. The latter is obtained by the distillation of ground nutmeg and is mainly used in the pharmaceutical and perfume industry.

  • It also contains compounds of interest to the oleochemical industry.
  • In addition, it is used as a flavoring agent.
  • In addition, people can use nutmeg oil to treat rheumatic pain as well as an emergency method of treating toothache.
  • You can also buy nutmeg butter, a brown semi-solid substance. 75% of this consists of trimyristin, which can be converted into myristic acid. People use this fatty acid as a substitute for cocoa butter and as an industrial lubricant.

Conclusion on the benefits of nutmeg

Nutmeg is a product with multiple culinary uses. However, in addition to its organoleptic potential, it may also have several health-promoting properties.

Despite the fact that research in humans is needed to fully prove its properties, moderate use of nutmeg may help prevent or improve certain diseases or conditions. However, this spice does not offer miraculous solutions and you should consume it in moderation due to the risk of overdose.

For this reason, experts recommend not to exceed the daily amounts. If this does happen, it is advisable to contact a doctor quickly to prevent further problems. 

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