How To Treat Tendonitis (tendonitis)

You can prevent tendonitis by doing some relaxing muscle and tendon exercises and improving your diet. You should eat foods rich in magnesium and silicon to strengthen the ligaments.
How do you treat tendonitis (tendonitis)

Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon.  It is therefore also called tendonitis. It frequently occurs in the tendons in the shoulder, elbow, knee, heel, biceps and around the hip.

Tendonitis is usually caused by prolonged overloading of a particular joint due to poor posture or pressure from footwear. The relationship between what the tendon has to do and what the tendon can handle is then no longer in balance.

Tendonitis can also result from a sudden incident. In both cases, the tendon can become overloaded in one go. Because the body wants to repair this damage, an inflammatory reaction occurs in the tendon. This inflammation is necessary to initiate further recovery.

About tendonitis

Pain and stiffness are the first signs of this condition. You may experience pain when you move or put pressure on the tendon. In addition, you will probably have difficulty moving the affected joints.

The best way to relieve the symptoms of tendonitis is to rest and not move the area that hurts. You should also change your footwear if you experience problems with the Achilles tendon.

Bare feet

The treatment of tendonitis usually consists of relieving the pain and inflammation. If there is a very serious case of tendonitis, you can use an anti-inflammatory gel or cream. You then apply this externally directly to the surface where the tendon is inflamed.

Try to move the inflamed tendon as little as possible. Also, apply something cold or warm directly to the area to relieve the pain. It is important to know that an aggressive form of tendonitis can cause the tendon to wear off and cause damage that will not heal completely.

Even in these cases, however, there are many natural ways to treat the symptoms of this condition and relieve the pain associated with it.

Suggestions to ease the pain

  • Change the way you exercise. This is one of the first things you can try if you have tendonitis. You should not practice sports that put too much strain on the affected area. Instead, do relaxing exercises that can help relieve the pain. So that you give the inflamed tendon the necessary rest.
    • Physiotherapy or yoga are good examples of this. In any case, avoid overloading the affected joint.
  • As mentioned before, you can also apply something warm or cold to the affected area to relieve the pain. Do this in 20 minute increments. So apply something warm or cold for 20 minutes. Then let the tendon rest for 20 minutes. Do this with an ice pack or a warm compress. Repeat until the pain subsides.
  • Fish oil supplements or increased fish oil intake may also be helpful in treating tendonitis. Fish oil is rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. As a result, it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Rest is the best remedy for anyone suffering from tendonitis. Sleeping 8 hours a night will speed up the tendon healing process.

Natural recipes against tendonitis

Echinacea for tendonitis

There are also some natural plant-based recipes that can help you treat tendonitis. These plants have properties that can relax irritated muscles and relieve muscle inflammation. As a result, the pain slowly subsides. Some of these plants are:

  • Willow: The willow has properties similar to the properties of aspirin. Because of this, this tree can be helpful in treating tendonitis. You can make a syrup by soaking 2 grams of dry willow bark in a glass of water. Then you drink this syrup two to three times a day.
    • However, do not drink this syrup for long periods. This can disrupt your digestive system.
  • Echinacea:  This is a plant with very potent anti-inflammatory properties. You can use the plant to make an herbal tea. You do this by adding one tablespoon of echinacea to one cup of water. Then drink two cups a day.

Finally, it is very important to eat foods rich in magnesium and silicon. This can help repair the ligaments damaged by the tendonitis. Some good examples are: lettuce, parsley, asparagus, spinach and nuts.

You can prevent this condition by minimizing strength-intensive activities, improving your diet, and doing relaxing exercises that allow the muscles and tendons to rest. Tendonitis is a nightmare that can be prevented and treated if you take care of your health.

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