The Right Diet For People With Cancer

The right diet for people with cancer should consist of fruits and vegetables, boosting their intake of antioxidants. We’ll tell you what scientific research has to say on the subject.
The right diet for people with cancer

Cancer is a complex disease that depends on both genetic and environmental factors. Diet can influence the risk of developing this pathology and at the same time patients will need chemotherapy. When it comes to determining the right diet for people with cancer, you need to keep some guidelines in mind.

For example, it is fundamental that patients limit foods and substances that contribute to tumor growth. At the same time, it is important to emphasize the consumption of products with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

This array of ingredients maximizes the effects of chemotherapy and helps reduce the side effects of this treatment.

Eliminate the consumption of processed foods

Eating processed foods rich in additives, simple sugars and trans fats is linked to an increased risk of developing cancer. An article in the British Medical Journal explains this connection.

These types of substances increase the number of mutations generated at the cellular level. In addition, they serve as an energy substrate for the same tumor and contribute to its growth. For this reason, it is fundamental to limit these processed products in patients who have been diagnosed with cancer.

While eliminating processed foods from a healthy person’s diet is preventative in nature, it can help extend life expectancy in cancer patients. This is due to an increase in the chance that these patients will respond favorably to the treatment.

Processed foods do not belong in the right diet for people with cancer

The right diet for people with cancer should contain foods with antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that counteract the formation of free radicals. They fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of mutations in the DNA that can lead to cancer processes. Consuming them regularly will help prevent the development of these types of pathologies.

In patients who already have this disease, it is critical that they increase their intake of these products in hopes of helping to stop tumor growth. Some phytonutrients, such as lycopene in tomatoes, may help slow tumor growth. An article published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer confirms this fact.

To increase antioxidant intake, patients should increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in their diet. In addition, they should especially increase their intake of red vegetables and cruciferous vegetables.

Exotic fruits are also characterized as rich in vitamins and phytonutrients. Therefore, they can help achieve the goal of helping to fight the production of cellular oxidation. Variety is key when it comes to the right diet for people with cancer.

Diet supplements for people with cancer

There are also some substances that can help people with cancer in the form of supplements. One is melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating the circadian sleep rhythm that has significant antioxidant activity.

The effects of this supplement have been demonstrated in scientific literature. For example, an article published in the magazine Oncotarget (English link) deals with this.

That said, these benefits are found in doses superior to those used today on a clinical level. Studies regarding melatonin and the prevention or treatment of cancer use doses higher than 10 milligrams per day.

This hormone also manages to reduce the side effects of pharmacological treatments. Therefore, it also improves sleep, reduces stress levels and improves markers related to metabolic health.

A healthy salad with a high nutritional value

Optimizing nutritional value is essential for cancer patients

Cancer is a multifactorial disease that is directly related to certain environmental factors. Therefore, patients should optimize their diet to prevent the development of this pathology and to help treat it.

The inclusion of the right foods is able to help stop tumor growth and maximize the effects of pharmacological treatments.

To see these benefits, it is important to emphasize the importance of consuming fruits and vegetables. These foods contain vitamins and phytonutrients with an increased antioxidant capacity.

Furthermore, it is fundamental to limit all foods that cause inflammation and have the ability to increase mutagenicity.

For example, consider processed foods. These have negative health effects in the medium and long term and are linked to the development of complex diseases.

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