This Fifteen Minute Exercise Series Will Help You Burn Fat

Do you want to burn fat in just minutes? Then read on and discover a simple fifteen-minute exercise sequence. Do it every day!
This fifteen-minute exercise series will help you burn fat

This 15-minute exercise series is great for people who are just starting to make range-of-motion exercises a habit. Heij consists of a number of exercises that you can perform very easily. Keeping the back straight and breathing properly are the most important factors here.

In most cases, exercise sequences to burn fat usually make us think of long periods and a lot of effort. But that is not true. Because not all programs are boring. Actually, most exercises are meant to be as dynamic as possible.

The advantage of this fifteen-minute exercise series is the fact that you can easily integrate it into all other exercise programs.

You can also add exercises or alternations with other movements. Many people use it as a warm up before going for a walk or run in the morning.

What should you consider before doing the 15-minute exercise sequence?

Before starting this exercise sequence, we recommend that you prepare the place where you plan to train. Of course, this applies if you plan to perform the exercises indoors. If you want to do this sequence outdoors, all you need to do is make sure the substrate and the weather are suitable.

Also do some stretching exercises first. Stretch yourself well from the wrists to the ankles. Also, don’t forget to loosen your head and shoulders. Because this will help to warm up your body.

Twisting, bending, and swinging your torso, neck, and limbs prepare you for the exercise. For this will make it possible to bend more further.

Set the timer. Is this your first time trying an exercise sequence? Then it is better that you do this 15-minute exercise series for one to two weeks. That way, you build up resistance before moving on to longer exercise sequences.

Once you get used to this sequence, you will be able to add more moves. After three weeks you will notice the positive effects. You will generally have a slimmer figure and a more resilient body.

Remember to rest for a few seconds before starting the next exercise. Also don’t forget to drink water. This way you avoid dehydration.

1. Jump Squats

The first exercise of the fifteen-minute exercise series is jump squats. To do that, remember that your legs should be shoulder-width apart. Make sure the tops of the feet face outwards.

Then bend your waist slightly backwards and bend as if you were sitting down. You should make a right angle with your knees. Then tense all the muscles of your thighs and jump up towards the ceiling. Try to land softly. Repeat the exercise twelve times.

2. One Arm Push Ups

15 minute push up exercise series

With this second exercise of the fifteen-minute exercise series, you will gain strength that you have never had before. This exercise requires you to perform the push ups with only one arm.

To do this exercise, assume the plank position. Your legs, back and neck should form a straight line. Slightly tighten the muscles of the legs and abdomen to get the best effect.

As you inhale, bend the elbows at a right angle and lower the body slightly. As you exhale, lift yourself up again while touching your shoulder with the other arm.

This exercise is effective if you repeat it 12 times, alternating arms. You can also do it with your knees. This makes your legs stronger.

3. Springboard Exercise

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. The legs, back and neck should form a straight line. Tense the muscles.

As you inhale, bend the elbows at a right angle and lower yourself slightly. As you exhale, lift yourself up and touch the opposite shoulder.

4. Plank with the knee lifted

In this pose, you do the plank exercise while keeping the legs, back, and neck in a straight line. You can do this by tightening the muscles of the legs and abdomen.

Remember to bend the elbows at right angles as you inhale. That way you lower yourself a bit. When you exhale, lift yourself up so that you touch the opposite shoulder of your arm. Repeat the exercise ten times, alternating between the arms, as well as the knees, if you wish.

5. Side Lunges

For this exercise, sit in a semi-squat and lean to one side. Then do the same on the other side. Repeat the exercise twelve times.

6. Plank Exercise With Arm Raised

To perform this plank exercise, make sure the legs, back and neck are in a straight line. Tighten the muscles of the legs and abdomen. At the same time, raise the right arm until it is parallel to the ground.

Then move the right leg sideways and repeat the exercise with the other side. Repeat this exercise six times on the left side and six times on the right side.

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