4 Reasons Why You Can Get Gray Hair When You’re Young

Stress, smoking and vitamin deficiencies are some of the reasons why you can get gray hair prematurely. Only in a few cases is this phenomenon associated with serious illnesses. Read more about it in this article!
4 Reasons You Can Get Gray Hair When You're Young

Melanin is the pigment that gives hair its color. Gray hair is hair that does not contain melanin. There are many reasons why you can get gray hair when you are still young.

As the years go by, the hair loses its pigmentation. This is why this phenomenon is typical of old age. However, you will see that this is not always the case.

Young people can also get gray hair, which can be very scary and annoying. Don’t think it’s strange or that something bad is happening to you. Some factors can cause people to go gray prematurely, such as stress.

Is getting gray hair early associated with a disease?

This is a common question because people associate aging with old age. Don’t worry though. Below we explain whether gray hair is really associated with specific diseases or whether this is a normal development.

According to a study published by the NIH National Library of Medicine , a person can develop gray hair prematurely as a result of a weakened immune system. However, few studies have linked atopy (the hereditary nature of someone with many allergic reactions) to having gray hair at a young age.

Some conditions and conditions can cause gray hairs to appear prematurely. We want to emphasize that you don’t have to worry about anything.

Most cases of premature graying are due to heredity. There are very few diseases that are associated with getting gray hair. Some treatments can help achieve normal hair pigmentation, although they are not 100% effective or permanent.

4 Reasons You Can Get Gray Hair When You’re Young

A young man with gray hair

As we mentioned above, several reasons can cause aging that have nothing to do with serious diseases. Believe it or not, this is a fairly common phenomenon.

1. Stress

Is stress to blame when it comes to premature gray hair development? Scientists from Harvard University conducted a study and concluded that the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for responding to external threats) is responsible for unpigmented hair follicles. This promotes the appearance of gray hairs on the head.

A very stressful situation can also cause the hair follicles to lose their melanocytes, the cells responsible for hair pigmentation. Gray hair and stress are thus linked in some cases. If you want to prevent the premature appearance of gray hair, you should try to keep your stress levels low or reduce it.

2. Vitamin B12 and Mineral Deficiencies

Your diet can greatly influence the premature appearance of gray hair. Deficiencies in vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, zinc and vitamin D3 cause depigmentation of the hair. Therefore, experts recommend regularly including the following foods in the diet:

  • walnuts
  • lean meat
  • dark chocolate
  • avocado
  • whole grains
  • fresh fruit

Make sure you follow a balanced diet and don’t overeat on the foods we mentioned above. The secret is balance, as well as supplementing your diet with an active lifestyle. In other words, you need to make sure you get enough exercise.

3. Genetics

According to a study published in the journal Nature Communications , getting gray hair early is associated with DNA. In this study, the experts even identified the first gene associated with gray hair.

The name of this gene is IRF4 and it plays a role in the production of melanin. As we mentioned above, melanin is the pigment that produces hair color.

This is why some generations of families suffer from premature aging. This isn’t a disease, it just means they don’t have the genetic ability to produce enough melanin for a long time.

4. Autoimmune Diseases

Studies like the one we mentioned above state that autoimmune diseases can also cause gray hair when a person is young. This is because their immune system also attacks healthy cells. Some of the conditions associated with the premature appearance of gray hair include:

  • vitiligo
  • thyroid disorders
  • Werner’s syndrome
  • pernicious anemia

How can you avoid getting gray hair when you are young?

Artificial aging on half of a young woman's face

Tobacco can affect the skin and hair of smokers and cause signs of premature aging.

Now that you know why you might be getting gray hair, it’s time to discover the habits that can help prevent your hair from going gray at a young age. Remember that perseverance and commitment are essential.

Quit smoking

Experts from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center state that cigarette smoke affects hair by reducing blood flow to the scalp and altering the DNA of hair follicles (Spanish link). The effects of smoking on the hair can be manifested by dull looking hair, discoloration, thinning hair and premature graying.

Improve your diet

Nutrition is a fundamental factor in preventing gray hair at a young age. Among other things, you should eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. They are important because they provide your body with the vitamins it needs to keep hair follicles healthy.

  • You should also eat plenty of lean protein.
  • In addition, vitamin B12 and vitamin C are two substances that help your body to produce enough melanin.
  • Finally, you can take iron and folic acid supplements, as low levels of these minerals can cause dull hair.

Avoid excesses

We recommend that you avoid forms of excess. Junk foods, alcohol, high salt intake, fried foods and baked goods can affect the health of your hair and promote the appearance of premature gray hair. It is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle if you are getting gray hair early.

Getting gray hair prematurely is not usually a cause for concern

Don’t worry if you are young and you see a few gray hairs. It is very unlikely to happen because of a serious condition. Certain habits, which we mentioned above, can help prevent your hair from turning gray.

However, you should know that if your parents had gray hair at a young age, it can happen to you too. Remember, this will happen to everyone sooner or later. Fortunately, gray hair doesn’t change who you are inside!

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