Tips To Fight Stretch Marks At Home

Stretch marks often develop on your stomach, chest, hip, or butt. They start out as small reddish or purple lines and turn into lines that are slightly brighter than your own skin tone.
Tips to fight stretch marks at home

Stretch marks are one of the biggest outward frustrations for women. We all know that these stretch marks are not bad for our health. However, they still make us a little uncomfortable when we put on a short skirt or bathing suit. Did you know that there is a way to fight stretch marks, using lotions made from ingredients you have in the kitchen? Keep reading and we’ll show you some tricks to get rid of stretch marks and improve their appearance.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are marks on your skin caused by the constant stretching of its elastic fibers. Once a certain amount of sudden tension occurs, the inner layers of the skin break, causing scarring.

There are two types of stretch marks. The first kind is caused by tension or loss of elasticity. This includes stretch marks caused by pregnancy, growth during puberty, and any volume change related to hormonal changes.

The second kind is due to abundant cortisol. These stretch marks occur when you have to take high doses of corticosteroids for a longer period of time.

Where do they appear?

stretch marks

Stretch marks often develop on your stomach, chest, hip, or butt. They start out as small reddish or purple lines and turn into lines that are slightly brighter than your own skin tone.

How do I make sure they don’t appear?

Once they are there,  stretch marks are tricky to get rid of. As the saying goes, better  err on the side of caution. What can you do?

Always keep your circulation in order. To contribute to this, eat red fruits, such as strawberries, cranberries, and cherries.  You can also try lymphatic drainage massages. This is a massage technique that allows the accumulated fluid in certain body tissues to drain.

You can also prevent stretch marks by increasing the amount of collagen in your skin. Collagen is a protein that plays an essential role in the development of various substances in your body.

You can increase your collagen levels by eating foods that contain vitamin C  (peppers, kiwis, oranges, spinach, tomatoes, guava, broccoli, etc.)

Moisturizing your skin also helps to prevent them. Use creams every day to keep your skin elastic.

Finally, try to control your weight. Sudden changes can lead to more stretch marks.

What can I do to fight stretch marks?

While stretch marks are tricky to remove, there are a few tricks that we can show you how to improve their appearance.

Keep in mind that to get results from these tonics, you need to use them regularly and constantly. Stretch marks appear through a break in the skin. It takes a little time to fix this and fight the stretch marks. However, don’t be discouraged! You will definitely see results over time.

Vitamin E

You can get this vitamin in two ways. For starters, you can buy vitamin E capsules  from a pharmacy. Then you open the capsules and use the oil on the areas suffering from the stretch marks. Do this at least once a day, after a bath. You can remove it fifteen minutes later with a wet cloth.

As a second method, you can use foods rich in vitamin E.  These include olives, almonds, and soybean oil. You should also use this once a day, after a bath, and you can also remove this fifteen minutes later with a wet cloth.

Vitamin E is excellent for all kinds of skin problems as it helps the skin to be stronger and healthier.



Grind the skin of a beet with that of a peach. If this results in a very thick paste, you can add a tablespoon of almond oil. Use the paste on the stretch marks for fifteen minutes and remove it with cold water. Pay attention to this detail, because warm water makes your skin sensitive – and that can make stretch marks worse.


Another vegetable in the kitchen, which is useful for this problem, is the carrot. Steam the carrots, mash them and use this directly on the affected area. Watch out for the temperature: you don’t want to burn yourself.

This paste takes a little longer to work. So let it sit for at least half an hour to notice the effect. Then remove it with a cloth with cold water.



Avocados have many properties. You already know that they can be used to make different home remedies, with different functions. Make this stretch-fighting paste by crushing half an avocado and mixing it with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon.

This mixture should be applied in circular motions for 15 minutes every day. You can also prepare this mixture by adding a tablespoon of olive oil. So that the paste becomes slightly more liquid and easier to apply.


Horsetail is a wild plant often used for medicinal purposes. You can find it in food and spice stores. This plant is high in silicon, a natural regenerator that helps cells repair.

Make the lotion by soaking 100 grams of these leaves in eight drops of lemon juice and a liter of 20% alcohol solution. Do this for a month. Once the month is up, dilute the lotion you are going to use. Do this with the same amount of water and apply it to the stretch marks twice a day.

Sugar and coffee


One of the most important bases for skin treatment is exfoliation. It is necessary to remove dead cells so that new cells can appear.

Coffee and sugar are both natural exfoliants that everyone has on hand. You can combine them with some of the oils mentioned earlier, such as olive oil.

Homemade aloe veracr è me to fight stretch marks


  • 100 ml virgin olive oil
  • 50 ml aloe vera gel
  • 6 capsules of vitamin E
  • 4 capsules of vitamin E


Combine all ingredients with a blender.

Apply this to the distressed area with a gentle massage, until completely absorbed. You can store the cream in a sealed clean container in the refrigerator.


Exercise, especially outdoors, not only allows your muscles to develop, but also helps oxygenate your cells. Outdoor activities also help you develop more vitamin D, which is very important for your skin.

The recipes you just read are some of the most effective for fighting stretch marks. Are you going to try them? Or do you know of another homemade trick you’d like to share with us?

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