Learn To Make Antibiotics At Home With Garlic Paste

To take full advantage of this, we must consume garlic raw, as it loses up to 90% of its properties when cooked. Allicin, the active component that provides the medical effects, is released when the garlic is ground or crushed.
Learn to make antibiotics at home with garlic paste

Garlic and garlic paste is widely used worldwide, although not everyone knows about its medicinal properties. Over the centuries, natural medicine has already used this vegetable in treatments [1]. Because it has properties that fight infections, fungi and bacteria. Plus, it even helps keep blood clean and pure.

These wonderful benefits are released when the garlic is crushed. Because that process releases a substance called allacin. Allacin is the basis of many medicines that pharmacies make themselves. In this article we will teach you how to make an excellent ointment for the treatment of various ailments.

Use this medicine at home

For most wounds, garlic can be applied immediately to the wound. This will reduce the pain and prevent infections,

In addition, when ingested, garlic helps  generate healthy bacterial flora. In addition, it helps against the negative effects of oral medications on the stomach.

For infections caused by fungi, such as athlete’s foot, you can apply the garlic paste directly to the infection. Then cover the area with socks.

We recommend that you only use those socks for this treatment. Basically, after the end of the treatment you have to throw them away. Garlic paste can also be applied to skin rashes, such as acne or herpes (genital or oral).

Another of the benefits can be found by rubbing the chest with garlic to reduce colds and pneumonia. Rubbing garlic in the nostrils can relieve sinus infections and postnasal drip.

Finally, garlic can also act as a good pain reliever and antibiotic  when gently applied to the ears with a cotton swab.

Garlic is the basis for garlic paste

How to make a garlic paste

To prepare this amazing pasta that has several functions, all you need to remember is the 3×3 rule.

Three ingredients: virgin coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and fresh garlic. To make the paste, you will need three heaped tablespoons of each ingredient.


Put the coconut oil in a small pan over low heat, add the olive oil and mix well. When hot and well mixed, add the garlic little by little.

Lightly fry it and then remove it from the heat. Place the mixture in a blender or use a mortar or coffee grinder to grind it fine. Then you strain the remaining product and put it in a jar. Finished!

Now you have your own antibiotic ointment and pain reliever! Keep it in the fridge and don’t forget to stir it every now and then. Then you can keep it for two weeks.


When freshly made, the mixture will have a color similar to that of milk, but little by little it will soften and thicken. After letting it cool for a few hours, you should see a spreadable, smooth cream.

If you’ve reached this point in the article, it means we’ve got you excited about this ancient natural remedy. We have one more piece of advice for you: Despite the coconut oil, the garlic smell will remain, so it’s best to only use it in the house as the smell will stay in your clothes too. So it is best to use clothes specifically for using the cream and keep these clothes separate from the other laundry.

You have seen that it is very easy to prepare this homemade antibiotic garlic salve. Make it quick, because it’s a natural medicine with countless benefits for the whole family.

[1] Pastor believes in garlic pills

Image thanks to Laureipsum

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