Causes Of Migraines You May Not Know About

One of the most common causes of migraines is a change in the pressure of the atmosphere. You can also suffer more during the weekends. This is when your brain rests.
Causes of Migraines You May Not Know

Headaches are so common that many people no longer give them the attention they really need. Migraines can be caused by several factors. Some factors are genetic and others may be in the veins.  You should know that some of the causes of migraines affect thousands of people around the world.

What are some of the causes of migraines?

The main cause of migraine is not known, but there are a number of factors that cause this condition and make many people incapacitated.

If you suffer from this severe headache, it could be because of the following things:

1. Climate

Changes in temperature and humidity in the environment can affect your mood. There is no doubt about this. However, they also have the power to trigger or make migraines worse.

Avoid the heat

Although you cannot determine the climate yourself, you can at least be prepared for the situation. In the middle of summer, for example, you can avoid going outside during the hottest part of the day. Or you can schedule physical activities later in the day.

2. Foods

Cheese is one of the causes of migraines

Some foods can make your headaches worse. These include cheese and fried foods.

If you regularly suffer from these headaches, you  can avoid the foods that contain a lot of preservatives and artificial additives  (these are most of the foods they sell in the supermarket these days).

Instead, you should lead a healthier life. And you should follow a diet that contains a lot of raw fruits and vegetables. This can be especially helpful if you suffer from migraines.

3. Weekends

Despite it may seem strange,  Saturdays and Sundays are one of the factors for headaches. These are the two days of the week we look forward to the most, but they can trigger pain.

This is because you are under a lot of pressure or stress from Monday to Friday, due to work, responsibilities, studies etc. When the weekend finally arrives,  your body relaxes too much and undergoes a change in pattern. 

4. Caffeine

This is not only found in coffee, but also in soft drinks (especially in cola).

Caffeine dehydrates your body. It also goes directly to your bloodstream. From there it goes to your brain. This can make you feel more energetic after drinking a cup of coffee. However, this also has consequences: migraines.

Too much, but also too little.

You should also be careful with a lack of caffeine. This can also cause headaches. If you are a coffee lover and drink this drink regularly, you cannot stop cold turkey. This process must be gradual.

5. Sleeping Too Much

Sleeping too much is one of the causes of migraines

This happens, for example, during holidays or weekends. When your head hurts, the first thing you want to do is sleep. However, spending too much time in your bed can actually cause headaches.

You should look for a change in your sleeping pattern. 

  • Sleeping more than 8 hours a night isn’t bad for you, if you need it. But if this becomes a habit, it is not beneficial.
  • In many cases, the person does not want to get up. Or the naps are too long. It is important to avoid these habits.

6. Alcoholic Drinks

These have a similar effect on your body as caffeine.

People who regularly drink alcohol are more likely to have headaches or migraines. This is because the  substances in alcohol are toxic to your body. They also make your kidneys and liver work harder.

7. Stress

There are many consequences for your body if you are under a lot of stress for a long time.

It seems that no one can escape this problem and that there is nothing you can do about it, but the truth is that there are many different techniques to get rid of stress and ultimately not suffer from migraines. For example, you can do yoga.

8. Lack of Magnesium

Not getting the recommended amount of this nutrient often results in headaches. Increase your intake of foods rich in magnesium, such as:

  • Dried herbs (coriander, mint)
  • Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds
  • Almonds, cashews and brazilian nuts

9. Sensory Stimulation

Brain stimulation is one of the causes of migraines

Certain stimulants can trigger migraines. This can be caused by flashes of light, sounds or smells. These stimulate the pain receptors  in your brain.

10. Gluten Sensitivity

This does not necessarily mean that you have celiac disease, but it does mean that you have a mild form of gluten intolerance.

You can find out if you have this problem by giving up  certain foods that contain gluten  (cookies, bread, pizza, etc.). Then you can find out if your head still hurts a lot.

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