15 Interesting Facts About Dreams You Should Know

Find out some of the most interesting facts about dreams in this article. Do not miss it!
15 Interesting Facts About Dreams You Should Know

Have you ever wondered why some people dream and others don’t? Or how long do we dream every night? In this article, we will reveal all the interesting facts about dreams that you need to know. So are you ready to be amazed?

15 interesting facts about dreams

Since the dawn of mankind, dreams have fascinated men and women all over the world. The meaning of dreams has raised hundreds of doubts. For this reason, we want to tell you some interesting facts about dreams that will surely leave you speechless.

1. We all dream

Woman with a sweet dream

Did you know that we all dream every night? (Except for people who suffer from certain conditions, such as REM disorder). It doesn’t matter if you remember your dream in the morning or not.

We all dream every night! While some people can remember one, two, or even more dreams, others cannot. Note: Only people with REM disorder do not dream at night, but the percentage of people with this condition is very small.

2. There is such a thing as ‘sleep paralysis’

It is not a nightmare, but a condition that affects thousands of people around the world. Sleep paralysis disables the person who suffers from it and prevents him from performing any kind of voluntary movement for some time, usually between the state of sleep and wakefulness.

3. We spend about 6 years of our lives dreaming

That is, of course, without adding the time we daydream! Every night we dream several times for periods of 5 to 20 minutes. If we calculate that with the current life expectancy, we can conclude that people dream on average for about six years.

4. Interesting facts about dreams: We forget dreams a few minutes after we wake up

Dreams are, for the most part, easily forgotten. Has it ever happened to you that you try to tell someone about a dream and it just slips out of your head?

This happens because the way we process information and store the information in memory is not the same as the way our mind dreams.

5. Some people dream things that then happen

Man is sleeping on his stomach

Predictions show situations that eventually happen in real life. So yes, we are talking about predictions. There is still no scientific explanation for this, but there are known cases of people who dreamed of situations that happened later. For example:

  • They say Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his assassination.
  • A number of people reportedly dreamed about the tragedy of the Titanic.
  • Some of the victims of the attack on the Twin Towers are said to have dreamed of a possible catastrophe.

6. Some of history’s most famous inventions were based on dreams

As you will see, a number of inventors have changed humanity as we know it based on their dreams. This is the case, for example, for:

  • Larry Page, creator of Google.
  • James Watson, discoverer of the DNA double helix.
  • Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine
  • And many others!

7. Men’s and women’s dreams can be different

A number of studies have shown that although women mainly dream of family and friends in familiar situations, men tend to have more aggressive dreams.

These are mainly dreams with aggressive encounters with other men. This is probably because men in our societies are still socialized to be more aggressive.

8. Interesting Facts About Dreams: Your Brain Doesn’t Rest At Night

We tend to associate sleep with a moment of rest and peace and we imagine our brain ‘turning off’. However, as you must suspect, this is not true: the brain is active while we sleep, that’s how we dream.

9. Some people dream in black and white

We usually dream in color, but some people do it in black and white. In some cases you may even dream in black and white. Has it ever happened to you?

10. Most people can’t read in a dream

sleeping woman

Have you ever had a dream where you were reading? Or where you were about to take an exam? Reading a sheet of paper in a dream is not an easy task, and in fact many people cannot do it. This is why there are so many dreams of failing exams! The same goes for reading the time.

11. Interesting Facts About Dreams: Animals Can Dream Too

It has not been proven (and in fact it is very complicated to prove). However, it is suspected that animals also dream. Have you seen your dog shaking his paws and moaning while sleeping? The simplest explanation then is that he is dreaming!

12. Sometimes it is possible to direct and change your dreams

Lucid dreaming occurs when we are aware of what we are dreaming and we can somehow change the dream at will while sleeping.

13. We dream more negative things than positive things

Scientists don’t know why. However, several studies have concluded that negative dreams are more common than positive ones. Emotions such as restlessness, fear and despair were more common in studies than happiness and love.

14. Interesting Facts About Dreams: Blind People Dream Too

Not being able to see doesn’t stop blind people from dreaming. In fact, many dream of images, while others do so through their other senses, such as touch, smell, or hearing.

15. We only dream of faces we’ve seen

So now you know: if you ever dream of being chased or attacked and you can see your attacker’s face, it must be someone you know or have seen somewhere!

Did we surprise you with these interesting facts about dreams? Tonight, when you go to sleep, you will surely remember some of these fun facts. Sleep well!

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