Vegetable Cream Soup To Strengthen Your Defenses

A vegetable cream soup is a healthy dish for any type of diet. In addition, you can enjoy the benefits of vitamins and minerals from vegetables. Try these three vegetable cream soup recipes!
Vegetable cream soup to strengthen your defenses

Do you want to discover three delicious recipes for vegetable cream soup to strengthen your defenses? When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables is key. By eating many different colored vegetables, you ensure that you get the right amount of different vitamins and minerals.

In addition to strengthening your immune system, it is also important to choose vegetables that are high in antioxidants. Fortunately, these recipes contain a variety of vegetables as well as vegetables high in antioxidants. Give them a try!

Three recipes for vegetable cream soup to strengthen your defenses

1. Spinach cream soup

Given the data published via Food & Function , there is ample evidence that spinach is a healthy and nutritious food. In general, spinach cream soup provides important nutrients, such as iron and folic acid. In addition, it also contains B vitamins and antioxidants.

How to prepare:

  • Take a bag of 500 grams of frozen spinach, 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic, 100 grams of coffee milk, a dash of olive oil and salt and pepper to taste.
  • Then fry the onion and garlic with the olive oil, add the spinach and salt and then cover with water.
  • Finally, mix it with the mixer after waiting 5 to 7 minutes.
Vegetable cream soup with spinach to strengthen your defenses

2. Broccoli cream soup

Broccoli is one of the functional foods that has earned a special place in any healthy diet. As a publication in Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry noted, broccoli is a source of antioxidants and nutrients such as vitamins E, C and K and minerals such as iron, zinc and selenium.

To take full advantage of this vegetable, you should try preparing a vegetable cream soup to strengthen your defenses according to the following recipe:

How to prepare:

For this healthy recipe, the main ingredients are broccoli and potatoes. You also have a large white onion and half a cup of evaporated milk. Four cups of chicken or vegetable stock also give your dish a delicious taste. You can season it with some salt and pepper.

The preparation is similar to the previous recipe:

  • Poach the onion first and then add the stock along with the potato.
  • Five minutes later, add the broccoli.
  • Then after another five minutes, puree everything well.
  • It is now ready to enjoy!

3. Tomato cream soup

Tomato cream soup supplies a significant amount of vitamin C contained in the tomatoes. Not only does this vegetable provide many antioxidants, but it is also rich in vitamins A, K, iron and potassium.

Therefore, as supported by a study published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research , it is a good option if you want to strengthen your defenses and help reduce your risk of disease.

How to prepare:

Unlike gazpacho, which is served cold, you can also prepare a warm version of tomato cream soup. For this recipe you will need:

  • 500 grams of ripe tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • half a bell pepper
  • salt
  • pepper
  • olive oil

After boiling the tomatoes for about a minute, place them in cold water to remove the skin. Then chop them finely and add them to the previously stir-fried mixture of onion, pepper and garlic.

Finally, add salt, pepper and two cups of water or vegetable stock. Puree the mixture with the mixer after 30 minutes and it is ready to serve.

Tomato soup to strengthen your defenses

Easy to prepare vegetable cream soup to strengthen your defenses

Eating vegetable cream soup is a very easy and delicious way to consume vegetables. For most people, it may even be the only way they want to eat vegetables.

Plus, these vegetable cream soup recipes have a notable advantage over other dishes: they can be frozen. This allows you to cook a large amount in one go and store it in the fridge or freezer until you want to eat it.

With proper planning, it is possible to have a vegetable cream soup as an appetizer for most of the week. This ensures a good absorption of vitamins and antioxidants from the vegetable.

However, you have to be careful about the calories in this dish. Yes, it is true that when the main ingredients are vegetables and water, the calories in the dish are practically negligible.

However, many recipes contain milk, butter or cream. Adding some dairy and fat can improve the taste, but can also increase the total calories in the dish.

Vegetable cream soup to strengthen your defenses: conclusion

In general, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of making various kinds of vegetable cream soup in large quantities on the weekend. Then store them in the fridge or freezer and consume them as an appetizer for lunch or dinner.

However, if you’re planning to lose or maintain your weight, be careful not to add milk, butter, or cream to these recipes. In addition, keep in mind that the greater the variety of vegetables you consume, the more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you will include in your diet.

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