How Do You Make Healthy Ice Cream?

There are plenty of homemade ice cream recipes circulating on the internet. Healthy ice cream recipes, however, are harder to find. We have listed a few for you.
How do you make healthy ice cream?

Who doesn’t love ice cream in the summer? Some people even enjoy it when it’s cold outside. In the following article, you will learn some different recipes for making healthy ice cream at home. You will see that you do not need that many ingredients for this! In this way you also always have it ready for when you want it. So you no longer have to leave the house to buy it in a store!

Water ice vs. ice cream

You don’t necessarily have to be on a diet to crave a sorbet or popsicle. This type of ice cools you the most and also quenches your thirst on a hot day, whether you are at the office, at the beach or at home. Plus, if you make it yourself, you can use seasonal fruits. It is also good for you if you are on a diet. Fruit ice creams contain little fat, cholesterol and added sugar.

There is also ice cream, which consists for the most part of milk and is consumed as a dessert or snack. These are less suitable as thirst quenchers and you should also watch out for the amount of added sugar. Still, many people prefer ice cream over water ice because of its consistency and taste.

Ice cream with whipped cream

Naturally homemade and healthy ice cream

We can make delicious and healthy ice cream ourselves at home and you can even do it here. It can also be a fun activity to do with the kids. There are three types of preparation: with fruit, with fruit and milk and with teas.

  • The first option with fruit is made from summer fruits and lots of water and has a sweet taste. For example, we recommend making ice cream with watermelon, peach, raspberry, lemon, and so on. Several of these ingredients together, such as melon, pear and apple or cherry and orange is also tasty. For this ice cream, cut the fruit into small pieces, add ice and blend it in a blender until it reaches the right consistency. That usually takes a few minutes. The fewer additives, the healthier and more natural the ice cream becomes.
Ice cream in a drink
  • The second option is the most popular because of its consistency and because it is very similar to store bought ice cream. Milk and yogurt serve as thickeners and seasonings. They are also ingredients that you almost always have in your fridge, especially if you have children. You can add egg to it to give it some extra protein and consistency. Then add any kind of food you wish to give it some flavor. Especially banana, peach or pineapple go well with this. In any case, the most fleshy fruits are suitable.
  • Third, we can make ice cream with tea or infusions. All we need to do is make tea as you usually do (with sachets or herbs). Let these cool and then mix them with crushed ice cubes. Suggestions for the best ice cream include green tea, cinnamon tea, apple tea, black tea, and mint or peppermint tea.
A bowl of healthy ice cream

The best healthy ice cream recipes

  • Peach Ice Cream Recipe:  This is great for kids and easy to make. You can make it in the summer, when the fruits are easy to get. The ingredients are:
    — two 450 ml skimmed milk powder;
    — 225 ml of skimmed milk;
    — 225 grams of sugar (you can use 2/3 sweetener);
    — 1 beaten egg;
    — 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract or almond extract;
    — two medium peaches or a cup of sliced ​​peaches.
    Mix the milk, sugar, egg and vanilla and mix well until a homogeneous mass is formed. You can use a mixer or a blender. Add the peaches, then pour the whole thing into a container and put it in the freezer. Leave it in the freezer for at least one hour before serving.
  • Lemon ice cream recipe:  A classic that quenches thirst and tastes delicious. The ingredients are:
    — 125 ml skimmed milk;
    — 125 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice (you can also use lemon juice from a bottle);
    — 125 ml whipping cream;
    – a pinch of salt;
    — a can of condensed (skimmed) milk;
    — six crumbled digestive biscuits;
    — optional: a few slices of lemon.
    Mix the milk, lemon juice, whipped cream, salt and condensed milk with a mixer or blender. Put it in the fridge for half an hour. When it starts to set a bit, mix in the cookie crumbs and put it in the freezer for an hour. You can use the lemon slices and a cookie as a garnish.

Sequel to healthy ice cream made with fruit

  • Banana Ice Cream Recipe:  This is without a doubt another way to enjoy this easily available fruit. It is also a children’s favourite. The ingredients are:
    — 1 banana;
    — 3 tablespoons of skim milk;
    — 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts.
    Cut the banana and put it in the freezer for two hours. Then put it in a food processor along with the milk. Mix everything well. Stir in the nuts and continue beating. Then place everything back in the freezer until you are ready to serve it.
  • Kiwi Ice Cream Recipe:  This healthy ice cream recipe calls for:
    — 200 grams of kiwi;
    — 100 ml of water;
    — 1 tablespoon of sugar;
    — half tasteless gelatin (1:1 ratio). Mix everything except the gelatin. Only when you have mixed everything well can you add the gelatin. Fill some ice pop molds and put it in the freezer. Let it stand for an hour and add the sticks to the half-frozen ice cream. After that, leave everything in the freezer for at least two hours.
  • Strawberry and orange ice
    cream recipe:  You will need: – 200 grams of strawberries or berries;
    — 100 ml orange juice;
    — 1 tablespoon of sugar;
    — half of the tasteless gelatin (again 1:1 ratio). Mix the first three ingredients and then add the gelatin. Then pour everything into small molds and put them in the freezer. After an hour, put the sticks in and leave it in the freezer for another two hours.

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