Continuously Detoxify Your Body

Recurring health problems can be a sign that your body is in need of detoxification.
Continuously detoxify your body

Constantly detoxifying your body: is it really necessary? The human body is extremely intelligent and knows exactly when it needs something. Your body will then ask for it. If you notice that you are missing certain nutrients or if your body needs to detox, your body will let you know.

When you have sudden headaches, constipation, extreme fatigue, and other very unusual symptoms, it’s important to pay extra attention to them.  Your body may be crying out for detoxification.

Normally, a detox should take place every 2 or 3 months to cleanse your body of all the toxins you ingested during those months. However, it’s a much better idea to keep your body detoxed all the time.

Today we tell you how you can do this in the most natural and healthy ways possible.

When should you detox your body?

Continuously detoxify your body

In general, it is very important that you consider the symptoms you have and their frequency. Depending on how often these symptoms return, it’s a good idea to consider a detox.

Detox your body if you have symptoms as described below:

  • Constipation: Chronic constipation means that something is not right in your digestive system. If this is the case for you, increase your fluid and fiber intake and make changes to the rest of your diet. If there is still no improvement after that, then the best option is to opt for detoxifying juices.
  • Fatigue: an excess of toxins in your colon and your stomach can cause fatigue (tiredness you that extra ‘s feeling morning, despite a good night’s sleep). Detoxing a number of organs, including the liver, will not only help you feel lighter, but also less fatigued.
  • Insomnia: Melatonin is your body’s indicator that it’s time to go to sleep. However, when there are too many toxins in your body, the production of melatonin decreases. This can cause us to stay up late into the night, or sometimes wake up much earlier than intended.
  • Headaches: Headaches are a clear indication that something is wrong in your body. Moreover, if headaches are a common phenomenon for you, it is important for you to consider a detox.

Constantly detoxifying your body: how do you do that?

The most effective way to detoxify the body is to consume foods that help remove toxins from your body. Therefore, a balanced diet with the following ingredients is the best option to cleanse your body.

  • Cranberries are a source of  antioxidants. They help to inhibit inflammation and (in terms of the kidneys) they are excellent for fighting urinary tract infections such as cystitis.
  • Lemon: Due to its high vitamin C content, lemon is ideal for cleansing the liver and removing common toxins from the body.
  • Beets are excellent for cleansing and purifying the blood.

A great way to consume these foods is in the form of juices or smoothies, which you can take about 2 to 3 times a week. This will help keep your body free of toxins.

1. Continuously detoxify your body: citrus juice

Continuously detoxify your body with fruit

Thanks to the high concentration of vitamins A, C and minerals such as potassium and calcium, lemons are known to help prevent fluid retention. However, the key to the success of these juices is to consume them for a whole month after which you will see results.


  • 1 lemon
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • ½ cup (80 g) papaya


Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until well blended. If you want, you can strain the juice afterwards.

2. Constantly detoxifying your body: juice to tackle the gut

A toxin-free gut is very important for the health of your body in general. This juice is ideal for cleaning the intestines and therefore also for combating constipation.


  • 1 pear
  • 1 red apple
  • ¼ cup (60 g) fennel
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water


Remove the skin (if desired) from the apple and pear. Cut them into cubes and mix them with the fennel and water in the blender. Drink daily during or after lunch.

3. Constantly Detoxifying Your Body: Juice for Headache Fighting

Continuously detoxify your body

Pineapple is an excellent diuretic and a great source of fiber, making it a fruit suitable for combating migraines and headaches. Drinking this juice regularly will help you to detoxify your body continuously.


  • 3 slices of pineapple
  • 1 tablespoon (15 g) quinoa
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water


Soak a tablespoon of quinoa in water and let it sit overnight. After soaking, add the quinoa to the blender with the pineapple and blend. You can then pass the mixture through a sieve if you wish.

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