Can You Prevent A Stroke?

There are many factors that are out of your control when it comes to having a stroke. That’s why preventing stroke is important to lead a healthy life, get enough exercise and eat a balanced diet to minimize your risks.
Can you prevent a stroke?

Most people who lead full and healthy lives assume that an accident will never happen in the future. They don’t recognize that there’s a chance something could happen to them.

In most cases there is a greater chance of the positive than the negative, and  this is also true when it comes to stroke. But what is a stroke and how can you prevent a stroke?


To put it simply,  a stroke is the loss of blood circulation to the brain.

The risk increases if the brain is deprived of oxygen for a longer period of time due to the lack of blood flow.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization)  , stroke is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases in the world, even more than heart disease.

They also claim that it is  one of the leading causes of death in the world.

People over the age of 55 are at a higher risk of stroke than people who are younger. It can also manifest itself through a heart attack or blood clots.

Types of Strokes

A stroke can be divided into two types:

  • Ischemic strokes. These are caused by arterial blockages. According to the American Heart Association, they account for 87% of all strokes.
  • Hemorrhagic strokes. This kind is caused by a broken blood vessel, whether in the brain or elsewhere.

Causes of a Stroke

Preventing Stroke and Your Blood Vessels

No one is immune to the risk of stroke. As mentioned, people over the age of 55 are at a higher risk.

There are also a number of other factors that can affect the risk of stroke:

  • Lack of exercise:  if you don’t get the minimum of exercise, it has a lot of influence.
  • Excessively overweight or obese:  The heavier you are, the more likely you are to have a stroke.
  • Gender:  In general, men are more at risk, but women can get it too.
  • Pregnancy:  During and a few weeks after pregnancy, there is a higher risk of having a stroke.
  • Heredity:  if your parents had a stroke, you have a higher chance.
  • Certain conditions:  atrial fibrillation, diabetes, stress, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
  • Blood circulation problems:  artificial heart valves, transplants or weak arteries.
  • To smoke.

Is it possible to prevent a stroke?

To reduce the risk of a stroke, there are a few things you can keep  in mind.

Preventing a stroke by avoiding tobacco use

Preventing stroke by not smoking

Avoiding the major damage tobacco does, especially when it comes to blood circulation and the risk of stroke, is vital.

We recommend that  you stop smoking immediately. If this is too difficult for you, at least try to wean it off.

Preventing a stroke by getting enough exercise

It is equally important to get some exercise to lead a healthy life.

You need at least  thirty minutes of exercise a day to reduce your chances of having a stroke.

Preventing a stroke by having a good body weight

This advice depends on the person, because  not everyone needs to be the same weight.

If you are overweight or obese, you should try to lose weight slowly. If you fall within the norms of what is considered healthy, try to keep it that way.

Preventing a stroke by not using drugs

Preventing stroke by not taking drugs

Both legal and illegal drugs can be very harmful to the body.

If you need medication, make sure it is prescribed by a professional.

Preventing a stroke by following a healthy diet

Having  a healthy diet is important for good health.

You can try to prevent a stroke by adding the following foods to your daily diet:

  • fruit
  • whole grains
  • protein
  • chicken
  • fish
  • vegetables

Avoid eating processed, prepackaged foods and foods that are high in harmful fats. 

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