6 Everyday Things You Should Clean More Often

In this article we will talk about everyday things that you need to clean more often. Some of these things will probably surprise you!
6 everyday things you should clean more often

People use many things every day but never think about cleaning them. If you don’t clean these everyday things enough, you can actually endanger your health.

How good are you at cleaning? You may think that cleaning your house regularly is enough. However, you probably forget that certain everyday things also really need to be cleaned.

Are you someone who thinks it’s enough to change the sheets often, even if you didn’t wash your blankets? When was the last time you cleaned your mobile phone?

Well, in this article we will talk about those everyday things that you need to clean more often. You will probably be surprised when you read what it is about! Remember your health depends on it. So get to work and start cleaning.

Everyday things you should clean more often

1. Toothbrushes


To keep your teeth healthy, you probably brush your teeth twice a day. However, many bacteria and food residues accumulate in your toothbrush.

This means that your toothbrush belongs to the category of everyday things that you need to clean more often. Follow these steps and wash your toothbrush every week:

  • Wash the toothbrush under hot water with a little toothpaste.
  • Use a bottle brush or a clean sponge to clean the entire surface. Pay special attention to the nooks and crannies.
  • Then rinse the toothbrush with hot or warm water.
  • Then let it dry and use it as usual.

If you prefer to clean your toothbrush more often, then you should follow these steps:

  • After brushing your teeth at night, put a little mouthwash in a clean cup. Place your toothbrush in the cup and make sure the bristle area is completely covered.
  • Shake the brush slightly and then leave it in the mouthwash overnight.
  • In the morning, rinse it off with cold water.
  • Then brush your teeth as usual. The next evening you repeat the process.

2. Mattresses

Your mattress is also one of those everyday things that you need to clean more often. After all, you spend 6 to 8 hours a night on it! Many people have never cleaned their mattress. They think that just changing the sheets is more than enough.

However, mattresses collect dirt, dust, sweat and organic residues such as dead skin cells and hair. Together they form a nice place for dust mites.

To keep dust mites away and lower your risk of developing allergies or skin inflammation, you should clean your mattress at least once a month.

The shape of the mattress makes cleaning difficult. So soap and water will not be enough.

We recommend that you follow the following steps:

  • Sprinkle some baking soda over the mattress. The amount will depend on the size of the mattress. However, you should make sure that you cover the entire surface of the mattress with the baking soda.
  • Then spray enough water on top so that it is moist but not wet. This will activate the baking soda.
  • Then let it act for 15 minutes. Then clean it with a good sponge or brush and soap and water.
  • Finally, rinse it off and let it air dry.

3. Sheets


Ideally, you should change the sheets twice a week. Do this at least once a week. That way, your mattress will stay cleaner for a longer period of time. The dust mites will also have a harder time multiplying.

  • Wash the sheets. Then fold them up and put them in a plastic bag. This way you protect them from dust.

4. Shoes

Your shoes are an important part of the first impression you make. That’s why we put them on our list of everyday things you should clean more often.

  • To clean the inside, you can use a soft, dry cloth with a special soap. This will kill the bacteria and remove the sweat that causes bad odors.
  • Then spray a deodorizing product into your shoes and let it dry.
  • To clean the outside, you must first remove the dust, dirt, and so on. If you don’t know which products to use, ask someone in the store. You can also ask the shoemaker. That way you can find a product to use regularly.

5. Hairbrushes

hair brushes

You may use your hairbrush every day.  This is one of those everyday things that you have to clean every now and then. When you clean the hairbrush, you will prevent dead skin cells from accumulating. As a result, you will also have healthier hair.


  • 4 cups of water (800 ml)
  • 4 tablespoons shampoo (60 ml)


  • Use a container that is large enough to hold your hairbrush. In this you mix the water with the shampoo.
  • Make sure the brush is completely submerged. Then leave it in the container overnight.
  • In the morning, scrub the hairbrush with a dishwashing brush. Then rinse it well under the tap.

6. Mobile Phones

People have their phones with them day and night, even in the bathroom. Of course, these mobile phones are the perfect places for bacteria and viruses. To prevent infection, clean your phone daily with a microfiber cloth and a few drops of window cleaner. You can also use a product specially designed for this.

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