Lose Weight By Reducing Portions

If you are no longer hungry, but still want to continue eating, we recommend drinking a cup of tea so that you feel full. That way you avoid eating too much.
Lose weight by reducing portions

You have often heard that you need to eat less to lose weight successfully. It is true that it is important to reduce your portions to lose weight in a healthy way. Otherwise, you could become nutrient deficient or gain weight right away if you stop your diet.

In today’s article, we’ll give you some basic tips that can help you learn to eat wisely and reduce your portions. That way you can reach your ideal weight without too much effort or sacrifice.

The stomach adapts

The stomach has a very good quality: it quickly adapts to the amount of food you eat. You can get used to eating more or less at different times. You’ll see how you end up needing that same amount at these times as well.

This can really help you achieve your ideal weight. J e  However, there must be sure that you give your body all the nutrients it needs. Otherwise, the opposite can happen and you can start to store fat and gain weight again.


Tips to reduce portions

To get your stomach used to the amount of food you eat, try the following tips:

  • Make sure there are no more than four or five hours between your meals. It’s important not to eat until you’ve digested the previous meal, but you shouldn’t starve yourself between meals either. This can cause you to overeat at the next meal.
  • Try eating fresh fruit or some yogurt or whole wheat bread between meals. These are foods that are filling and contain many nutrients in small portions.
  • Get used to drinking plenty of tea or water between meals. It is easy to confuse thirst and hunger. This makes you eat when you are actually not hungry.

How long does it take to be full?

Research has shown that  it takes 15 to 20 minutes to feel full. Dr Alexander Kokkinos of Athens University Medical School says that people who eat slowly and chew well are more likely to feel full than those who eat quickly and impulsively.

You can test this theory for yourself by  chewing each bite until it is completely pureed before swallowing. This also has the advantage of improving digestion, so you eat less without starving yourself.

Emotional Eaters

Why do most people who overeat feel the urge to overeat in order to feel happy?  They confuse the feeling of happiness with the feeling of fullness you get from food. For many emotional eaters, this urge comes from unfulfilled emotional desires, periods of intense sadness, or times of stress and fatigue.

Your body is trying to fill an emotional void to give it energy. However, if you ca n’t control what you eat, the result will usually be negative. You may choose unhealthy foods, which make digestion more difficult and eventually lead to feelings of regret and guilt.

Hunger due to too small portions

The key is 80%

You have to learn to stop eating when you’ve had enough. At that moment you are no longer hungry, but you feel that you can still eat something. And yet you often choose the unhealthiest option—another portion of what you just ate or dessert.

To give you an idea of ​​what to aim for,  try to eat to only 80% of your capacity.

It won’t be easy for the first few days to reduce your portions, but a cup of tea can be very effective at banishing hunger pangs. Soon you will find that your remaining hunger is gone and eventually you are able to maintain the boundary yourself.

Reducing your portions also gives you other benefits. By not overloading your digestive system, your body needs less time to replenish its energy supply. This is the opposite of what happens when you eat more than you need or eat heavy dishes.

This allows you to become more active and resume your normal activities without overeating. At night, for example, your liver will function more efficiently, allowing you to sleep better and wake up with more energy.

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