7 Remedies For Calluses And Corns

How come we pay so little attention to our feet, when they are such a fundamental part of our body? Your feet support your entire body weight and partly allow you to move from place to place.
7 remedies for calluses and corns

Don’t you think your feet deserve some extra attention? To lend you a hand, in this article we share a number of home remedies that you can use to remove calluses and corns. Not only will your feet look more beautiful, but you will also experience less pain and discomfort.

Your feet should receive the same care as your face, for example. Failure to do so will show signs of damage and neglect.

Why do calluses and corns develop on the feet?

After a long day, your feet can be very tired. There are many factors that can cause foot problems such as calluses and corns. Just think of:

  • wearing high heels
  • not wearing socks
  • dry environment
  • lack of exfoliation
  • shoes that are too tight
  • shoes on for many hours in a row
  • sweat

Calluses and corns can appear on different parts of the feet, but especially on the heel, the sides of the big and small toes, or on top of your toes.

At first, these problems are only mildly irritating. However, if you leave these problems untreated, they can become increasingly painful.

If you’ve ever been bothered by corns, you know how unbearable it can be.

Ideally, you would prefer not to wear any shoes at all, as the corns cause pain throughout the day. This intolerance is reflected in your mood, your productivity at work, and even your personality.


Even if you have never suffered from calluses and corns (how lucky!) it is important that you take some precautions.

For example, remember to always apply a moisturizing cream to your feet after showering or bathing.

In addition, massage your feet once a week with a few drops of olive oil or some petroleum jelly to deeply moisturize the feet.

Make sure you always wear comfortable shoes that are not too tight and not too wide.

If your shoes are new, put a bandage on places where you usually suffer from calluses or blisters before you put them on. In addition, never wear new shoes for hours on end from day one.

Calluses on the heel

It is also a good idea to take off your shoes and socks as soon as you get home. Soak  your feet in a bowl of warm water and herbs, such as chamomile. This ensures that your feet feel more rested. In addition, the scent of the herbs will make you feel better too.

If you already suffer from calluses on or under your feet, make a long-lasting friendship with the always reliable pumice stone.

However, remember to use the stone gently and don’t continue to scrape when the skin is already sensitive. It is best to use the stone after showering or bathing, when the skin is softer.

You can also use a foot file to soften the rough edges of your heels, soles and toes. However, never use a file for more than three minutes in a row and always apply a moisturizing cream to the feet afterwards.

Remember to wear only comfortable shoes from now on and pay attention to any symptoms of pain or discomfort.

Home remedies for calluses and corns

Corns are often very deep and can be very painful to walk on and also to treat with a pumice stone. So take a look at the home remedies below that can help you get rid of calluses and corns.

1. Onion


  • half an onion


  • Cut an onion in half and rub the raw vegetable over the affected part of the foot.
  • Repeat this procedure every night before going to bed.

There’s no need to wash your feet afterwards, it’s even better to let the onion juice soak into the skin. Put on a pair of socks and go to sleep.

Healthy feet

2. Garlic and Olive Oil


  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (15 ml)


  • Crush the garlic and then mix it with the olive oil.
  • Coat the calluses with this mixture.
  • Cover the paste with a bandage or cotton cloth and let it sit overnight.
  • The next morning, wipe off the paste, without rinsing the feet.
  • Repeat this treatment until your problem is completely gone.

3. Nettle


  • 1 handful of nettle stems and flowers
  • 1 tablespoon of water (15 ml)


It’s a good idea to make sure you always have nettle in your house.

  • Put a few stems and flowers in the blender along with a tablespoon of water and blend the two until they form a paste.
  • Then apply this paste directly to the callus.
  • Cover the paste with some gauze or a cotton cloth and let it sit for at least three hours before removing it.

4. Marigold


  • 1 handful marigold (both flowers and leaves)
  • 1 tablespoon of water (15 ml)


The same preparation method applies for this recipe as for recipe 3. Apply this paste every night before going to bed.

5. Figs


  • 1 fig


The fig has anti-inflammatory properties while providing refreshment and relief.

  • Cut the fig in half and remove the flesh.
  • Apply the pulp directly to the callus or corn before going to bed.
  • Cover the fig with bandages or put on a pair of socks so that your sheets don’t get dirty.
  • Let the pulp sit overnight and soak your feet in warm water the next morning.
  • Then use a pumice stone to remove the calluses and then apply a moisturizing cream to the feet.

6. Baking soda


  • 2 tablespoons baking soda (18mg)
  • 1 tablespoon warm water (15 ml)


  • Mix the baking soda and water together so that the two ingredients form a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste on your calluses in circular motions to exfoliate the feet.
  • Then let the paste sit for another 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Then use a pumice stone or foot file.
  • And of course, don’t forget to put a moisturizing cream on your feet last.

7. Chamomile

foot massage


  • 4 tablespoons chamomile (60 ml)
  • 1 liter of boiling water


  • Use the water and chamomile to make a tea.
  • Let the tea cool for a few minutes, then pour the tea into a container that fits your feet.
  • Soak your feet in the tea for a while. Make sure that the water is not too hot and that you do not burn your feet.

Soaking the feet in chamomile tea will soften your calluses. This will make it easier to remove with the pumice stone.

And although you can already see it coming, we will repeat it one more time:  Do not forget to apply a moisturizing cream to your feet after every treatment against calluses and corns.

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