7 Medicinal Properties Of Cassava

Cassava is healthy and can also help your body recover due to its special composition. These are 7 medicinal and nourishing properties of cassava.
7 medicinal properties of cassava

Cassava has special properties. In addition to being  tasty and nutritious  , cassava also has medicinal properties. It is a root vegetable and is also known as sweet potato.

This tuber is wonderful to add to your meal as a new ingredient to give a special touch to some dishes. If you are pregnant and eat cassava, your baby can also benefit from its nutritional values ​​because it is rich in folic acid.

Although they have tropical origins, you can now find cassava all over the world. In the beginning, they became especially popular for their sweet taste. Therefore, people used it in both desserts and main dishes. The preparation of cassava is simple. You can do it:

  • roast
  • Cook
  • mix with other ingredients

7 Medicinal and nourishing properties of cassava

1. Great as a skincare

Your skin, like it or not, is exposed to the sun. Sun exposure can cause spots on your skin. So over time, your skin naturally discolors.

If you include cassava in your diet, this natural process is slowed down. One of the properties of cassava is that it is  rich in beta-carotene. This is an essential element to keep the skin smooth and even.

2. Improves Vision Problems

The cause of your vision problems may be a lack of vitamin A. Cassava may be able to remedy these vision problems as it contains an important element for vision.

It is even a recommended adjunct to treatments for vision problems such as:

  • stare
  • glaucoma
  • night blindness

For that, you need to eat cassava at least three times a week to get the most of the nutritional benefits for your eyesight.

3. Helps Improve Blood Circulation

Blood circulation through cassava

Besides the vitamins, another property of cassava is that it also contains a lot of antioxidants.

  • It can help to lower high cholesterol. Too much cholesterol can clog the arteries and make the blood flow less well.
  • Cassava can be of great help in ensuring good heart and brain health.
  • It can also help with concentration and improve the ability to process information because your brain is better fed with cassava.

4. Has an analgesic effect

In addition to medicinal and nourishing properties, cassava also has the ability to have an analgesic effect. That’s thanks to its polyphenol content, which can significantly reduce pain and other discomforts.

It’s not just any pain reliever. In addition to reducing pain, cassava can also help with swelling.  So it’s a good idea to include cassava in your diet if you suffer from joint pain, migraines or muscle cramps.

5. Eliminates Toxin Residue

Eliminates toxins

Unfortunately, when you eat and drink, your food isn’t always exactly what you’d expect. It may contain ingredients such as:

  • dyes
  • flavourings
  • citric acid

These substances enter your body and there is not much you can do about it.

However, there is a way to eliminate them, as cassava contains a significant amount of glutathione. Glutathione helps eliminate free radicals and heavy metals. Even after using agents such as paracetamol, cassava can help to remove the waste.

6. May Help Prevent Diabetes

In previous posts, we’ve talked about what happens when you eat sugar. Sugar is so delicious that it can be addictive. However, glucose can be dangerous for your health. So it is good to look for alternatives.

  • Cassava is a good alternative to sugar  and other foods that have a lot of additives, sweeteners and the like.
  • It also has a high fiber content, which helps you feel full.
  • Eating cassava can prevent you from getting hungry and eating all kinds of snacks between meals.

7. Contains Folic Acid For Pregnancy

Folic Acid For Pregnancy

If a woman becomes pregnant, she must take folic acid. It is an important substance in the early stages of the baby’s development. Deficiency of folic acid can affect the brain and spine of the fetus.

The medicinal and nourishing properties of cassava are proof that natural foods are a source of health. We hope that you will eat it more often. And remember the benefits that have made them so popular over the centuries.

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