6 Tricks To Improve The Appearance Of Stretch Marks

If your stretch marks are still a red or purple color, you can remove it. If they are already a whitish color, you can minimize the appearance of stretch marks, but you cannot make them disappear.
6 tricks to improve the appearance of stretch marks

If there’s one thing that’s unsightly, it’s stretch marks. And there is no doubt that the appearance of stretch marks and skin is something that concerns everyone.

Fortunately, you can fight stretch marks. You can reduce or even eliminate the appearance of stretch marks as mentioned.

For those who don’t know what stretch marks are, they are the result of breaks of the elastic fibers in the skin.

How do stretch marks develop?

When the skin is stretched, the fibers that are less elastic break. This causes stretch marks.

It is very common especially in women during pregnancy. First the appearance of stretch marks is pink or red in appearance, later the break lines turn white.

Stretch marks essentially represent a break in the skin.

Stretch marks can appear without warning.

Can you prevent stretch marks?

It is usually painless, although it can sometimes be accompanied by a slight tingling sensation.

So to prevent them, it  is important to keep your skin well hydrated. This ensures that your skin can stretch more elastically without breaking the fibers.

Types of stretch marks

You should keep in mind that not all stretch marks are the same.

  • First of all, there are stretch marks that are caused by sudden changes in weight. The skin is stretched considerably in a short time.
  • The second type includes the fault lines formed during puberty. This is a crucial growing time when your body is undergoing major changes.
    Hormonal disturbances during puberty can also lead to the formation of atrophic stretch marks that are irreversible once they develop.
  • The third type includes the kind caused by pregnancy. It mainly occurs in the breasts, abdomen, hips and buttocks. They usually form during the sixth month of pregnancy when the skin begins to stretch.
  • Finally, stretch marks can also occur as a result of excessive exercise or physical exertion that changes the surface of the skin through muscle build-up or tension (as is the case with athletes, dancers, etc.).

How can you improve the appearance of stretch marks?

1. Start with the right moisturizing products

Stretch marks and moisturizing products

Lotions and other products rich in vitamin A, such as rosehip oil, are ideal for combating stretch marks.

These usually have restorative properties and are safe for daily use. Whether you choose a cream or an oil, both will noticeably improve the appearance of stretch marks.

2. Take vitamins A and B

Vitamins A and B help your body repair connective tissue and produce collagen. That helps improve the appearance of stretch marks.

To get more of these vitamins, it is best to increase the intake of certain products, such as:

  • Kiwi
  • Roots
  • blueberries
  • pears
  • figs
  • Watermelon

3. Exfoliate

Exfoliating treatments can help improve blemishes in all layers of the skin, making this an ideal way to solve problems like those irritating stretch marks.

Mandelic acid (found in bitter almonds) and glycolic acid (which is extracted from sugar cane) can provide excellent results.

If you want to try some deeper treatments, diamond dermabrasion is the most effective.

4. Laser treatments

Appearance of stretch marks and treatments

Laser treatments are another option to help you improve the appearance of stretch marks. However, due to the cost, not everyone is able to benefit from these treatments.

Although this is not a natural treatment, it gives excellent results. That is why we have chosen to mention it here anyway.

5. Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is the ideal treatment to improve the appearance of stretch marks that have appeared recently. It concerns stretch marks that have a pink or reddish color.

The treatment consists of injecting certain substances into the area affected by stretch marks. For this purpose materials such as:

  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Amino acids

The goal is to promote cellular regeneration and repair the skin.

So you should talk to your doctor about the suitability of this treatment for you and always follow the advice of an expert.

6. Ponytail Treatment

Appearance of stretch marks and ponytail

Horsetail can be used for more than just fighting fluid retention – it is very effective for fighting stretch marks, thanks to its silicon content.


  • 4 cups of alcohol (1 liter)
  • ½ cup horsetail (100 g)
  • 8 to 10 drops of lemon juice
  • 2 cups of water (500ml)


  • Combine the alcohol with the horsetail and lemon juice in a dark container.
  • Then leave it in a dark place for a month. Then it is ready to use.
  • Then dilute the mixture with two cups of water.
  • Finally, massage this diluted mixture into the areas affected by stretch marks twice a day.

You will see how this will improve the appearance of stretch marks.

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