5 Ways To Rid Your Body Of Fluid Retention

One of the keys to ridding your body of fluid retention is to reduce the amount of salt we add to our food. So does cutting out processed foods from your diet that are often high in salt, as they contribute to fluid retention.
5 ways to rid your body of fluid retention

Did you know that there are many ways to rid your body of fluid retention ?

Our body is a complex organism made up of several interconnected systems, which need proper treatment and maintenance to keep working in harmony. If we don’t take good care of our bodies, we are more likely to get into trouble.

This is what happens in the case of fluid retention, which is a common and unpleasant condition. Fluid retention can affect the sufferer for a long time – and as it is often an indicator of other ailments as well, it is important to seek professional medical advice as soon as possible.

What is fluid retention?

Fluid retention in the legs

As the name suggests, fluid retention – also known as edema – is what happens when fluid builds up in different parts of the body. In general, it is caused by poor drainage of fluids from the tissues of our body. In particular, the legs and abdomen are the body parts most commonly affected by this condition.

When everything in our body is functioning as it should, the lymphatic system takes care of the drainage of fluid from our tissues and keeps the fluid from building up. However, if the lymphatic system has problems for some reason, it cannot handle the amount of fluid in the tissue.

What Causes Fluid Retention?

There are several possible causes associated with the appearance of edema. The most commonly reported conditions are:

  • liver diseases
  • Renal insufficiency
  • hypertension
  • heart problems
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause

These problems usually have several specific symptoms associated with them. However, the feeling of heaviness and pain in the extremities, as well as inflammation, are also common common symptoms.

Rid your body of fluid retention

There are a few habits you can adopt that have proven to be very effective in dealing with this problem. We’ll take a look at some of the most relevant.

If you find yourself retaining fluids, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Start applying this advice right away to alleviate the problem and rid your body of fluid retention!

1. Eat plenty of diuretic foods

Get Rid Of Fluid Retention With Diuretic Foods

Diuretic foods help get rid of excess fluid that builds up in the body. That’s why these foods are a fantastic ally in the fight to rid your body of fluid retention, not to mention other toxic elements.

Diuretic foods are also a common feature of diets designed to help us lose weight in a healthy and controlled way.

If you want to increase your intake of diuretic foods, simply increase your consumption of ingredients such as:

  • tomatoes
  • Asparagus
  • Pineapple
  • artichokes

2. Develop a healthy diet

However, it’s not just about consuming diuretic foods. In fact, it means effectively ridding your body of fluid retention, completely changing our concept of food and what it is for.

Developing and following a balanced diet is, of course, essential for the well-being of the entire body. Ideally , our diets should be based on the consumption of fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains.

And it’s not just about what we eat, but how we eat it. Nutritionists recommend that we divide our food intake into six portions evenly spaced throughout the day. By following this pattern, we will be able to eat in a more relaxed way and we will not be plagued by cravings or the common desire to stuff ourselves.

3. Avoid High Sodium Foods

Avoid Sodium-Rich Foods

Another great piece of advice on eating habits that will help rid your body of fluid retention or reduce fluid retention is to avoid sodium-rich foods in your diet.

When we talk about sodium-rich components, the most obvious one almost goes without saying: salt. Unfortunately, salt is often used in excess to season food after it has been cooked and is also used in large amounts in ready-to-eat, processed foods.

That’s why it can sometimes be a struggle to avoid excessive sodium consumption, no matter how much we want to.

If that’s the case for you, try different ways to add flavor to your dishes, such as experimenting with new herbs and spices. And if that’s not possible, it’s worth at least trying to reduce your salt intake.

That’s better for your body’s overall health as well as ridding your body of fluid retention and reducing symptoms.

4. Drink water to rid your body of fluid retention

This may seem a little counterintuitive to begin with. We try to get rid of excess fluid that has accumulated in our body. Drinking enough water helps with that process. Drinking plenty of water stimulates the urinary tract and kidneys. It also helps to remove toxins and other harmful elements from our body.

Make sure to drink at least five to six glasses of water throughout the day.

5. Get moving

Get rid of fluid retention through exercise

You probably already know that exercise contributes to the general well-being of your body. And in the case of fluid retention, it doesn’t just help improve muscle tone. So is the fight against our increasingly sedentary lifestyle.

Exercise is also responsible for expelling all kinds of harmful elements by making you sweat.

The best exercises to focus on in this regard are those that focus on aerobic exercise. This promotes intense sweating, which helps the fluids remaining in the tissues gradually come out.

Why not consider taking part in a sporting activity? The vast majority of such sports – be it tennis, soccer or Zumba – involve high-intensity aerobics. Some of the most effective forms of exercise are cycling, swimming and athletics. These can also help us stay healthy and lose weight a little faster.

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