5 Symptoms Of A Weakened Immune System

5 symptoms of a weakened immune system

Your immune system is the mechanism your body uses to defend itself against viruses, bacteria and many other types of diseases. A poor diet, stress, or illness can all weaken the immune system and affect its basic functions.

When do we speak of a weakened immune system?

Your immune system is your defense, your ‘immune response’ to certain external factors that can invade and damage you. It is made up of a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect your body.

You probably know them, the protective cells known as leukocytes or white blood cells. They are responsible for attacking organisms that make you sick. These cells are found in the thymus, spleen and bone marrow. We call these ‘lymphatic organs’.

If, for whatever reason, you have fewer leukocytes at some point, you won’t be able to fight off external germs. 

So it’s important to be aware of certain types of signals so that your doctor can identify the source right away – and then you can do something about it. So let’s look at the signs of a  weakened immune system.

1. Fatigue

Woman who is tired because of a weakened immune system

It is absolutely true that fatigue can have many causes. However, if that fatigue is constant, if you feel exhausted when you get up in the morning for example,  if you get tired of the smallest things, or already become depressed or nauseous from differences in temperature, etc., then your immune system may be weakening. is… So keep an eye out for all those symptoms.

2. Regular Infections

Urinary tract infections, stomach problems, inflamed and red gums, regular diarrhea –  all examples of signs that your immune system is not dealing well with invaders in your body. It does not develop the right response and therefore cannot defend you against certain viruses or bacteria.

3. Flu, Cold, Sore Throat

Cold woman due to weakened immune system

How often do you catch a cold? Once a month? Does your throat always hurt? Do you get the flu quickly? See a doctor so they can test the level of white blood cells in your blood. Maybe your immune system isn’t defending itself as it should.

4. Allergies

Some people get allergic reactions more often than others. They cannot defend themselves against certain types of pollen, dust and environmental factors that affect the skin or mucus and this is immediately noticeable in their health. If this is the case for you, there is a chance that you have a weakened immune system.

5. Wounds heal slowly

If you have a weakened immune system, minor wounds such as scrapes or cuts may take a few days to heal. The wounds do not heal, but instead become infected, inflamed and painful. How come? If this sounds familiar to you, consult your doctor to determine the cause.

This is how you strengthen your immune system

Fruit to combat a weakened immune system

1. Watch your diet

We all know. A good diet is synonymous with good health. Sometimes, however, we only really understand that when we already have a problem, when we are already ill.

It is necessary to always eat a varied and balanced diet, with lots of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins and little sugar, fat and alcohol. Citrus fruits are always very healthy, so don’t forget oranges, tangerines and also papaya, grapes and tomatoes.

2. Get enough sleep

Get a restful and restorative sleep. This is essential to keep your immune system strong and to help you regain energy to perform important tasks. Insomnia and worry, the reasons you stay awake all the time, are enemies to your health.

3. Hygiene

We know this too, but sometimes we miss it. Wash your hands before eating, before touching food, after touching  animals, when you come home from outside or work…

It is also important to take care of the hygiene of your food. Wash the vegetables you are going to cook well first. Submerge them in water and get rid of the residue. This is all important for protecting your immune system.

4. Cope well with stress

Stress is not just an emotion. If it becomes chronic, it can cause serious problems. Toxins collect in your body, weaken your immune system and make you sick…

So keep an eye on this. Get your priorities straight, learn to love yourself, make time for yourself, and do things you enjoy doing.

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