3 Juices For Bad Breath

The main causes of bad breath are poor oral hygiene, cavities or poorly maintained dentures, gum disease, sinusitis, respiratory infections, and stomach and liver disease.
3 juices against bad breath

Everyone suffers from bad, smelly breath from time to time. Bad breath or halitosis can have a number of causes, but most people who have bad breath don’t smell it themselves. But the environment does notice and that can lead to very uncomfortable situations at work, within the circle of friends and in intimate relationships.

The list of causes is long, but this article focuses on the most common and fortunately less serious causes of this annoying ailment, such as poor oral hygiene and some foods that promote halitosis.

Are you still holding your breath after following some natural tips? Then it is a good idea to look for other underlying causes, which may indicate a more serious condition.

Fortunately, if there is no underlying ailment, there are a number of natural remedies for fresher breath that are easy to prepare at home and will save you many uncomfortable social situations in the future.

Natural home remedies for bad breath

  • Mint is a benefactor against bad breath. Chew fresh mint leaves or make a delicious mint infusion.
  • Less well known is the fresh effect of parsley leaf. Chew on a fresh sprig of parsley and immediately notice the difference.
  • Brush your teeth and then rinse your mouth regularly with baking soda. It eliminates the bacteria that cause bad smelling breath. To do this, use 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water.
  • Sugar-free chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva, so that leftovers are removed faster and we clean the teeth and oral cavity more efficiently.

In addition, below are three recipes of juices that make short work of bad breath and leave your mouth smelling fresh again.

Juices against bad breath


Juice with spinach


  • 1 half apple
  • 1 orange
  • handful of spinach leaves


  • Wash the apple and cut it into small pieces, squeeze the orange and finely chop the spinach leaves. Then put everything together in the blender and mix until you have a nice, even composition. Drink the juice three times a week.

Beet and cucumber juice


  • half a beetroot
  • a cucumber
  • a glass of water


  • Clean, peel and cut the vegetables into small pieces. Mix together with the water in the blender and pass the mixture through a sieve before serving. Drink the juice once a week.

carrot juice



  • 125 gr carrots
  • 125 gr fresh spinach leaves


  • Blend the vegetables in the blender and drink a glass after every meal.

Also interesting for you:
5 genius tricks to fight bad breath

Extra tips for a healthy mouth

Fresh breath starts with good oral hygiene. Just brushing your teeth is not enough, because the accumulation of bacteria and food scraps cause bad smelling breath. When the teeth, tongue and gums are clean, our breath will be fresher and our mouth healthier.

Clean your tongue and remove these food particles and bacteria with your toothbrush or a tongue scraper. Get into the habit of brushing after every meal and flossing after every brushing. Flossing prevents plaque in places that are difficult for the toothbrush to reach. Then rinse your mouth well.

However, if the symptoms persist after these tips, consult your doctor, who can further help you identify the correct cause and treat it correctly.

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